Hague Academy of International Law - Center for high-level education in public and private international law. - http://www.hagueacademy.nl/
Radboud University Nijmegen Faculty of Law - Courses, programs, research areas, and scholarship information. Includes an overview of the University and the community of Nijmegen. - http://www.ru.nl/aspx/get.aspx?xdl=/views/run/xdl/page&ItmIdt=17684&SitIdt=187&VarIdt=153
Faculty Law - Universiteit Maastricht - Information about the University of Maastricht's LLM in Comparative, European and International Law, including courses taught and contact information for staff at the University. - http://www.rechten.unimaas.nl/mic/
International Tax Center Leiden - Features information about the Center's LLM program in International Taxation, the Leiden/Erasmus LLM program, and information about ordering the 2002-03 edition of the Center's two-volume set on international and EC tax law. - http://www.itc-leiden.nl
Erasmus University Rotterdam - School of Law - English-language site providing information about programs at the School of Law, including special programs in Dutch Law and Tax Law. - http://www.frg.eur.nl/english/