Healing Iraq - Comments on daily events regarding the situation in post-Saddam Iraq. With related links. - http://healingiraq.blogspot.com/
Albasrah Net - Photographs and press bulletins from groups opposed to the occupation of Iraq. - http://www.albasrah.net/
A Holiday Tribute - A christmas poem dedicated to the US troops in Iraq. - http://troopholidaypoem.fws1.com/
People's Alliance Bulletin - Comments on news and analysis of the war and occupation of Iraq, with special attention given to the independent press. - http://www.mediamouse.org/pab/
Iraq War, 2003 Edition - Provides updated reports on the cost of the war, names and photos of casualties, and suggests ways for readers to help. - http://www.lunchwithgeorge.com/lwg_iraqwar.html
The Blast - A collection of articles written by Kevin O'Neill. - http://theblast.users.btopenworld.com/