The EU's Relations with Iraq - Provides an overview on political, economic and humanitarian relations. With links for related speeches and statements. -
This War Would Not Be a Just War - The use of force to remove Saddam Hussein is not a moral option, argues Richard Harries, Bishop of Oxford. The Observer, UK. -,2763,769057,00.html
Europe and the Iraq Crisis - Interactive guide to European positions with audio commentary [requires Flash]. New York Times, US [free registration necessary]. -
New Archbishop Issues Warning on Iraq - Rowan Williams voiced his concern about a possible attack against the country without UN mandate. The Guardian, UK. -,2763,762236,00.html
German Leader Says No to Iraq War - Chancellor Gerhard Schröder declared that Germany would refuse to provide troops or money for an invasion of Iraq. The Guardian, UK. -,2763,769851,00.html
Interview With Jacques Chirac - The president describes the events since September 11 from the french viewpoint, with focus on Iraq. New York Times [free registration necessary]. -