Another Poster for Peace - Group of designers who are committed to the peaceful and just resolution of the situation by offering their copyright-free art to the public. Includes ideas for using the art and a mailing list. -
The Weekly Bull - Ruminations on militarism, media follies and the coverage of affairs in Iraq and Afghanistan. -
Bring Them Home Now Tour - A group of military families woth loved ones in present and past wars seek to end the war in Iraq and are holding 3 bus tours from Texas to Washington DC. -
Gold Star Families For Peace - An organization of families who lost loved ones fighting in Iraq, who seek to have a speedy withdrawal of US military troops and have President Bush explain what "noble cause" they are alledgedly fighting for. -
Campus Anti-War Network - Network of campus anti-war groups in the US. -
Iraq Occupation Focus - A UK group campaigning to end the occupation of Iraq by coalition troops through action and media work. -
Iraq Veterans Against the War - A group of veterans from Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom committed to saving lives and ending the violence in Iraq by an immediate withdrawal of all occupying forces. -
Military Families Speak Out - An organization of people opposed to war in Iraq and who have relatives or loved ones in the military. Gives rejoinder to knee-jerk attacks that anyone opposing the war is unpatriotic, and seeks to avoid US troops dying for Bush's policies. -
Iraqi Democrats Against Occupation - Campaigns for solidarity with the Iraqi people. Opposes the Anglo-American military occupation of Iraq. -
Alternet: War on Iraq - Includes editorials on recent developments in Iraq as well as analysis of the road leading to war. -
Iraq Occupation and Resistance Report - Information on the US occupation of Iraq and the burgeoning resitance to that occupation. -
No to War Against Iraq - Features books, websites, articles and satire in English and Danish. -
Talking Pictures - Photo gallery of images captured during the antiwar rallies held in San Francisco, CA 2003. Includes purchase information. -
Network Opposing War and Racism (NOWAR), SA - Collective of organizations and individuals opposed to Australia's involvement in a war on Iraq. Includes songs, articles, event details, merchandise, and press releases. -
Veterans Against the Iraq War - Articles, forum, news and events, and resources for veterans opposed to the war. - - Includes a daily index of the latest breaking news from a variety of media on the war in Iraq, as well as other conflicts. -
Radio Baghdad - Protests the US invasion of Iraq. Includes audio files, articles, pictures, and related resources. -
Znet Anti-War Resources - Znet collects the best progressive content from the left, including regular pieces from the likes of Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky. Anti-War resources are collected in this section. - Iraq Info - News and links for activist organizations and resources. -
Who Dies for Bush Lies? - Details the human cost of the somewhat controversial push for war and suggests methods of opposition. -
Our World Our Say - British group aiming to put pressure on the Blair government by allowing people to "vote" against war. Includes an overview of the organisation and explains how to support it. -
The Irish Anti-War Movement - Includes information about demonstrations and Iraqi sanctions, posters, flyers, factsheets, and discussion forum. -
Gloucestershire Weapons Inspectors - Group who aim to eliminate weapons of mass destruction from Gloucestershire, UK. Includes action reports, news items, information about RAF Fairford, and links. -
Americas Against Bombing - Conservative/Libertarian coalition who are opposed to the bombing of Iraq and feel that U.S foreign policy is hypocritical. -
Poets Against the War - Provides a venue for poets to voice their conscience against impending war. Index of poems, searchable schedule of readings, chapbook, resources for organizing readings, and press coverage. -
United for Peace - News and events, ideas of ways to protest a war against Iraq, resources for organizations, and local and national contacts. -
Target Oil - Organizes demonstrations for peace by exposing oil consumption as a source of the conflict. Includes action alerts, calendar of events, and a list of endorsing organizations. -
Move On - Offers information on the anti-war movement and resources for activists. -
Libertarians for Peace - Libertarians committed to ending to United States military intervention and imperialism which benefits powerful government and corporate special interests at the expense of Americans and of peoples worldwide. -
Iraq Action Coalition - Resource center for groups and activists who are working to end the war against the people of Iraq. Includes fact sheets, ideas for action, and media coverage. -
Global Exchange: Iraq Campaign - Includes an activist toolkit, how to get involved, news, and resources. -
Cities for Peace - Effort to get city councils and other civic bodies to pass resolutions against a war on Iraq. Includes sample resolutions, activist toolkit, and action alerts. -
Code Pink - Calls on women around the world to rise up and oppose the war in Iraq. Encourages all actions, from public education and free speech to nonviolent civil disobedience that can disrupt the progress toward war. Action alerts, sign-up for e-mail updates, mess -
Peaceful Tomorrows - An advocacy organization founded by family members of September Eleventh victims. Its mission is to seek effective nonviolent responses to terrorism, and identify a commonality with all people similarly affected by violence throughout the world. -
Stop the War Coalition - UK anti-war organisation. Provides news, articles, mailing lists, calendar of peace events, photos, and resources for groups and individuals. -
Arizona Alliance for Peaceful Justice (AAPJ) - Coalition of concerned individuals and organizations working toward peaceful and just solutions to terrorism and violence. Features calendar of events and links to related sites and e-groups. -
Win Without War - Coalition of US organizations, advocating alternatives to war. Includes a list of member organizations, press releases, information on current actions and links for related sites. -
Iraq Crisis Antiwar Homepage - Overview and analysis of US and Iraq relations, with link to peace pledge to stop the spread of the war to Iraq. -
Guardian: The Anti-War Movement - Ongoing coverage, commentary and links for related resources. -