About.com: Osama Bin Laden Jokes, Cartoons and Humor - A collection of Osama bin Laden jokes, cartoons, games, animations, song parodies, gag gifts, and other humor related to the war on terrorism. - http://politicalhumor.about.com/od/osamabinladen/
Osama bin Laden Jokes and Banners - A collection of jokes about Osama bin Laden. Includes free anti-bin Laden banners - http://www.sanfords.net/Osama_bin_Laden_jokes/index.htm
Kick Osama bin Laden - Shows flash animations, songs and a chance to kick bin Laden online. - http://www.kickosama.com/
Ahmed and Mohammed's Hideout - Original humor site about bin Laden, Islamic extremism, jihad, and the Taliban. - http://ahmed-mohammed.mindswap.net/
Are You Anti-Osama? - Anti-Osama jokes, free games, updated terrorism related news, and FAQs. - http://spreadthehurt.20m.com/
Bin Laden - Gives more than 350 funny pictures about bin Laden and several flash games. - http://www.alex-breure.com/
Osama's Bin Bloggin - Bin Laden comments selected articles on international politics. A satirical weblog. - http://osamabinladen.blogspot.com/
Collection of WTC Humor - Osama Bin Laden funny pictures and jokes - http://www.anvari.org/fun/World_Trade_Center/all.html
Osama's Taliban Jokes - A collection of taliban jokes - http://www.duckshit.com/taliban-joke/taliban-joke.html
Bin Laden Jokes - Twisted humor with Taliban jokes featuring Osama Bin Laden Includes several messageboards and chat forums. Hundreds of jokes and discussions. - http://www.binladenjokes.com/
Taliban Singles Online - A screen shot of the secret site where lonely Taliban men find the women of their dreams. - http://www.putrid.com/taliban.htm
F*ck Usama - A simple repository of Osama Bin Laden jokes, pictures, mp3 and flash. - http://www.fuckusama.com/
Osama Rama by Mike Overbeck - The most famous Flash animation Diplomacy and his newest Taliban Twister, and Halloween - http://www.mikeoverbeck.com/osama/
Vudu Tu U Osama Vudu Doll - Voodoo doll with the face of Osama Bin Laden and a target on the torso. - http://vudutuu.com/antiterrorismbinladendoll.html
Afghan TV Guide - Includes such fictitious programs as the No-Witness News, Allah McBeal, and Captured Northern Alliance Rebels Say the Darndest Things. - http://www.netfunny.com/rhf/jokes/01/Oct/afghantv.html
Osama bin Laden's To-Do List - A comical countdown of 15 items he needs to take care of. - http://www.topfive.com/arcs/t5101101.shtml
Osama bin Laden Flash - A collection of Anti-Osama flash games and movies to either download or play online from Newgrounds. - http://www.newgrounds.com/collections/osama.html
About.com - Osama Bin Laden Humor - An extensive collection of images, cartoons, jokes, videos, and merchandise targeting Osama bin Laden. - http://usnews.about.com/cs/binladenhumor/