Zombie Squad - A community and forum for survival enthusiasts to share ideas for preparing for crisis situations (which may include a zomie outbreak). - http://www.zombiehunters.org/
Tribe: Survivalist - A forum to discuss your secrets and/ or ideas, what you do as a survivalist. - http://thesurvivalist.tribe.net/
Remnant Saints - Providing tools and communications contacts to prepare for difficult times, that the remnant might survive these calamities and establish Zion. - http://www.remnantsaints.com
The New Three R's - Equipment descriptions and survival information listed by state. - http://www.webpal.org/index.htm
Dominion Group - A Canadian site helping people hope for the best but preparing for the worst. - http://www3.sympatico.ca/freecan/Domion.html