Stem Cell News - The latest in stem cell news, information, and issues on one of the hottest topics in bio-tech. -
AAAS Policy Brief: Stem Cell Research - A summary of recent issues and events related to human embryonic stem cell research, and an extensive collection of links. -
NIH Stem Cell Information: Policy & Guidelines - Links to policy statements and guidelines on federally funded stem cell research provided by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). -
Texans for Advancement of Medical Research (TAMR) - An organization of scientists, physicians, ethicists, leading health groups, and individuals who support biomedical research in Regenerative Medicine for the express purpose of curing diseases and alleviating suffering. -
Stem Cell Research - Articles on the ethical issues surrounding stem cell research-from The Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity. -
The Catholic Church and Stem Cell Research - Explains why the Catholic Church is against stem cell research and the destruction of human embryos, and why stem cell research is related to abortion and assisted suicide. -
Bionet - Created by 8 European science centers and museums, and presented in nine different languages to explore the science, ethical issues, and laws in different countries, play games and express opinions. -
Cures Now - A non-profit organization devoted to the advancement of ethical scientific research in the advancement of regenerative medicine. Endorses the use of embryonic stem cells and somatic cell nuclear trasfer (also known as therapeutic cloning) while opposing -
BBC News - UK to Extend Embryo Research - Parliament votes to allow controversial embryo research that will also involve limited human cloning, a move attacked by conservative groups. -
Stem Cell Network - The Stem Cell Network is a Canadian venture that brings together over 50 leading scientists to investigate the potential of stem cells. -
Spinning Stem Cells - Alleges media bias in the coverage of stem cell research. From the National Review, a conservative magazine. -
Stem Cell Lawsuit - The Christian Medical Association joins in suing HHS and NIH to stop funding of human embryo research. -
National Review - The Truth About Stem Cells - Interview with professor opposed to using embryos, and advocates research done on adult stem cells. -