Observer: Islam and the West - Includes various news articles and commentary from the UK Sunday newspaper on Islam in western society. -,1442,562652,00.html - Exploration of religion on the Web, featuring reporting, interviews, and sound. From Time magazine. -
Interfaith Working Group Online - Religious diversity and social issues such as equal rights for sexual minorities, reproductive freedom, and separation of church and state. Includes news, opinions, links, and opportunities for action. -
Pluralism Project - Developed by Diana L. Eck at Harvard University to study and document the growing religious diversity of the United States, with a special view to its new immigrant religious communities. -
Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance - This site has three main purposes. One to disseminate accurate religious information, second to expose religious fraud, and third to disseminate information on so called "hot" religious topics. -
What is Aril- Cross Currents - Brings to the internet selected topics of the major world religions with movies, reviews, chat, spirituality, newsletter, and humor. -