Forfeiture Endangers American Rights Foundation
- FEAR is an American nonprofit organization dedicated to reform of federal and state asset forfeiture laws to restore due process and protect property rights in the forfeiture process.
U.S. Marshals Service: Asset Forfeiture Program - The US Marshals Service explains the goals and benefits of the asset forfeiture program. -
Introduction to "Your House is Under Arrest" - Excerpt from book about how police can seize you home, car and business without a trial and how to protect yourself, by Brenda Grantland. -
American RadioWorks : Corrections Inc. - The war on drugs took off when police agencies got a new incentive to chase drug offenders: the ability to keep cash and vehicles seized in drug operations. Critics say asset forfeiture skews police priorities by giving them a monetary stake in the war on -
Bill Of Attainder Project - A civil liberties organization started by the Libertarian Party of Oklahoma, which contacts political activists, organizations and others to oppose forfeiture. -
Z Magazine: Asset Forfeiture - Article by activist and writer Susan Meeker Lowry critical of the practice as applied in the 'war on drugs.' -
Losing Ones Livelihood to the Grasp of Fiction - An introductory article on the law of civil forfeiture in the United States written in 1996 by Robert Shaw. Provides an overview of laws and legal standards, forfeiture's origins and history, law enforcement relationships and abuses, and suggestions for r -
JMD: AFP: 2001 Asset Forfeiture Fund Reports - Here you can see the annual reports on the looting by the Justice Department. Treasury has similar reports. -
Executive Privateers - A Discussion on Why the Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act Will Not Significantly Reform the Practice of Forfeiture -
The Devil is in the Details - The Forfeiture Example of American 'Justice'. A heavy criticism of asset forfeiture by S. Leon Felkins. -
Reforming Property Forfeiture Laws to Protect Citizens' Rights - A study of asset forfeiture by the Macinac Center, which concludes nine specific reforms are necessary to reduce the unfairness and abuses of the present system. -
The Government's Legal Theft Racket - Spirited attack on forfeiture law, by Michael Fumento. Discusses Tina Bennis case and others. -
Steven L. Kessler - Online articles, from an attorney and author with expertise in RICO and forfeiture. -
Drug loot fuels drug war - A series of articles on forfeiture by the Standard Times newspaper of SouthCoast, MA. Very balanced, providing views from both sides of this issue. -
The Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act 1997 (Testimony) - Congressional testimony from Roger Pilon, Ph.D., J.D., Senior Fellow and Director Center for Constitutional Studies, Cato Institute, before the Committee on the Judiciary, United States House of Representatives, June 11, 1997. -
American Forfeiture Law: Property Owners Meet the Prosecutor - A Policy Analysis from the Cato Institute that discusses the history of forfeiture and how it has enhanced the power of government over people and their property in ways that are difficult to reconcile with long-cherished constitutional rights. -