Welfare Reform: An Issue Overview - An overview of the 1996 welfare law and issues affecting its reathorization by Congress. - http://www.policyalmanac.org/social_welfare/archive/crs_welfare.shtml
Faith-Based Welfare Reform A Constitutional Crissis - Presents an in depth analysis of the implications and probable impact of faith based welfare reform and its root charitable choice legeslation, against the reform movement and its antecedent charitable choice clause. - http://constitution-first.org
How The Welfare State Works - A conservative American look at the social and demographic problems that result from the American version of the Welfare State. - http://pages.prodigy.net/krtq73aa/welfare.htm
Welfare Reform May Inadvertently Harm Children - Successful welfare reform is integrally intertwined with the maintenance of effective safety-net programs for working families and children. - http://healthlink.mcw.edu/article/983999688.html