HellFire - Truth, existence, freewill, theology, utopia, immortality: The Falcon considers the things that matter. - http://members.shaw.ca/hellfire_online
Hrnjadovic, Muharem - Hrnjad.net - Opinions and culled articles on Islam and topics in health such as vaccination, ABC weapons, and alternative medicine. - http://hrnjad.net/
Hide In Plain Website - Dedicated to revealing the tools of American thought control in all of its forms, while shock-jacking the atrophy from the collective unconscious. - http://www.hideinplainwebsite.com
The Heretic - Personal forum to discuss issues and life in today's world. Focusing on government, society, and safe sex issues. - http://www.theheretic.50g.com
The Hear2Us Network - Essays and talking points on capitalism and economics, education. health, and the environment. - http://www.hear2us.net
Harrison, Lee - Majority Rule - Musings on a need for a dictatorship, white power, the environment, the supernatural and afterlife, and the American electoral system. - http://www.mrinbetween.com/