Global Peace Initiative of Women Religious and Spiritual Leaders - Leaders from the major religious traditions and from all regions of the world will meet at the United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland, to pledge themselves to work for peace. Objectives, attendees, workshops, and ways to help. -
An International Conference on Yugoslavia - Held on the anniversary of NATO's attack - March 25th and 26th 2000 - Bradford University, UK. -
A Conference to Extend and Commemorate the Work of Paul Smoker - Emphasising the links between peace research and action. Topics to include the arms race; spirituality and inner-outer peace; towards holistic peace; conflict processes. -
World Peace through Reverence for Life - Symposium 2000 was an opportunity to spread the appeal for world peace in a very positive way. Prominent scholars, educators, and world-peace activists from various professional fields came together to introduce Schweitzer to a new generation. -
Barcelona 2004 - Universal Forum of Cultures - Call to all cultures worldwide to talk about peace, sustainability and cultural diversity in a global event which took place in Barcelona 2004. -