Amid the Turmoil a Note of Peace from Kosovo - Mother Jones article by a scientist living in Kosovo, sending stories by e-mail as the war surrounds him. This piece is a story about inner peace within that madness. -
Attacking the Root of Terrorism: Violence - An interview with Satish Kumar by Sara Buckwitz, special to Utne Online. This man of peace shares his unique perspective on the September 11 attack. He challenges Americans to retaliate with compassion and to end the spiral of violence. -
Dissident Voice - A Radical Newsletter in the Struggle for Peace and Social Justice. -
Center for War, Peace, and the News Media - New York University's non-profit, non-partisan organization supports journalists and news organizations worldwide. Work includes a media and conflict program initiated to explore the potential of the media to contribute to international peace and security -
How did I object to the war? Let me count the ways - Written by Kenneth Lee Wheatcroft-Pardue, outlining his reasons for opposing the war. - - Anti-war headlines from various sources, updated automatically, with archives. -
Two Who Voted Against War, 60 Years Apart - "No: The lonely stand against giving President Bush the power to act against terrorism recalls Rep. Jeannette Rankin, who was the one in December 1941." by Theo Lippman Jr. Published on Sunday, October 7, 2001 in the Baltimore Sun. -
Anti-war writings by Caleb Rossiter - Progressive activist Caleb Rossiter's writings: Vietnam anti-war movement, U.S. foreign/military policy, arms trade, landmines, El Salvador, Africa. -
Young Rebels - On-line manuscript promoting peace. -