Minnesota Neighbors for Peace - Network of grassroots, community-based, progressive organizations. List of local groups, calendar of events, and store. - http://www.mnneighbors4peace.org/
Justview - Connects people of conscience working for social justice. The Twin Cities groups represented seek to transform a culture of violence and create a culture of justice, peace, and sustainability. Events, action alerts, articles, and fact sheets. - http://www.justview.org/
Friends for a Non-Violent World - Minneapolis-St. Paul area group promotes peace through education and experience in prisons, schools, a summer camp, and in the wider community. Programs, newsletter, volunteer job descriptions, and links to related sites. - http://www.fnvw.org/
Minnesota Alliance of Peacemakers - Vehicle through which organizations devoted to the causes of peace and justice can pool their resources, insights, ideas, and strategies to promote common goals. Mission statement, contract with the world, member organization directory, and calendar of ev - http://www.mapm.org
Minnesota Anti-War Committee - Minneapolis-based group that meets weekly to organize responses to and educate themselves and the community about the evils of U.S. foreign policy around the world. Provides news, resources, listserv, and calendar of local events. - http://www.antiwarcommittee.org/
CircleVision - Connects, informs, and educates the justice and peace community in Minnesota. Advocates the use of all non-violent actions, from political lobbying to supporting or engaging in civil disobedience. Action e-list, ongoing and upcoming actions, photo archive - http://www.circlevision.org/