Lombard Mennonite Peace Center - Involved in the ministry of reconciliation in churches, schools, and workplaces. Includes list of clergy clinics and mediation workshops and a schedule of events. - http://www.lmpeacecenter.org/
Chicagoans Against War on Iraq - Group of citizens united to publicly voice their opposition to the war in Iraq and to the Bush administration's policies. Includes calendar of area events, resources for activism, and eGroup sign-up. - http://www.noiraqwar-chicago.org/
DuPage Against War Now - Grassroots citizens group opposed to the war on Iraq is active in networking with other peace groups, both local and nationally, and sponsors vigils and protests in and around the Glen Ellyn area. Upcoming events, news, commentaries, and links to related - http://www.d-a-w-n.org
Not in Our Name - Chicago - Local chapter of organization working against war on the world, detentions and round-ups, and police state restrictions. Includes area events, pledge of resistance, news, commentaries, and downloadable resources. - http://www.notinourname.net/~chicago/
Illinois Peace Action - Education and action organization of citizens committed to the abolition of nuclear weapons and to a long-range vision of lasting world peace. Calendar of events, action alerts, articles, and voting records. - http://www.webcom.com/ipa/