Union for Talossan Progress - Liberal think-tank with the self-proclaimed goal of "suggesting, learning, and working for a better Talossa." - http://twitch.sharkpork.com/_work/UTP/
Movamáintsch Repúblicán për Pecüliárismeu - Political party espousing Peculiarism, a micronational line of thought that claims to be unique in "recognising the reality that surrounds the Talossan dream, and acknowledging that some fundaments of the Republic of Talossa are fictitious." - http://www.eispetz.com/mrp/
Els Zefençadéirs dal Repúblicâ Talossán - Political party focusing on Talossan continuity, immigration, and strengthening the national identity. Program, and lists of members and candidates. - http://web.telia.com/~u18120780/ZRT/
Talossapedia - Wiki about the country and its history. - http://www.talossapedia.com
Wittenberg - Discussion forum for the citizens of the Republic of Talossa. Membership necessary to post. - http://www.talossaonline.com
Radio Free Talossa - Hosts downloadable broadcasts from the Republic of Talossa. Programs ranging from news and commentary to drama and comedy. - http://www.talossa.tv/
Talossa.net - Official government web site. Includes an overview of the nation, an FAQ and ministries websites. - http://www.talossa.net/