Vaccination News - Your source for daily news, reporting all sides of the vaccination controversy. -
VRAN: Vaccination Risk Awareness Network - A Canadian-based, non-profit educational society, founded by parents whose children have suffered vaccine reactions and injuries. Includes articles about specific vaccines and related issues. -
VaxFacts - Supports informed consent regarding vaccinations. Includes news and a forum for all discussions including dangers of vaccinations, adverse reactions, and associated risks. -
Flu Vaccines for Children Still Contain Mercury - The CDC recommends flu vaccines for 6 to 23 month-old children, but the vaccines are not required to be mercury free. -
Illinois Vaccine Awareness Coalition - Dedicated to educate people on vaccines' ingredients, contraindications, warnings, adverse reactions, studies, statistics, legality, and personal testimony for informed vaccine choice. -
1991 Memo Warned of Mercury in Shots - A memo from drug maker Merck & Co. warned of high levels of mercury in vaccines. -
Moms Against Mercury - A nonprofit organization dedicated to raising awareness while educating the public of the dangerous use of Thimerosal, a mercury based preservative, used in vaccines and the flu shot. -
Vaccinations: Making an Informed Decision - Offers theories suggesting vaccines may cause Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Includes a biblical case against vaccines, toxic ingredients, questions on what to ask your pediatrician, vaccine package inserts information, and adverse reactions. -
Vaccine Awareness of North Florida, Inc. - Seeks to promote public awareness of the ethical and scientific issues concerning the vaccination controversy. -
Vaccine Information - Discusses problems with vaccines. Includes articles, news reports, and links. -
Dispelling Vaccination Myths - A concise summary of many of the issues surrounding vaccination, with a detailed analysis of the statistics and evidence. -
Australian Vaccination Network - Vaccination information and support for people who want to make informed health choices. -
Refusal of Recommended Vaccines Letter - Compiled information which suggests parents may choose to consider not vaccinating their children. -
Vaccine Talk - Vaccine requirements and information for Canada and USA regarding thimerosal information, autism connection, and vaccine stories. -
The Informed Parent - Provides information for parents who are looking into the safety and effectiveness of vaccinations. -
Global Vaccine Awareness League - Non-profit organization dedicated to the education of parents and concerned citizens regarding vaccination. -
Parents Requesting Open Vaccine Education - Information on vaccines, and the immunization policies and practices that affect the children and adults of Texas. -
Think Twice Global Vaccine Institute - A vaccine resource with immunization studies, personal stories, vaccine books, information on individual vaccines, articles, laws, options, and support groups. -