Clearing the Air - No Smoking Policies in the Workplace - HR Magazine article report on why and how companies successfully and effectively implemented smokefree policies at the workplace. -
Secondhand smoke danger shown in study - Research presented at the American Chemical Society convention. Marker for exposure to ETS was found in the urine of nonsmoking hospital workers caring for patients in a smoking area of a Canadian veterans hospital. -
Passive Smoking At Work: the Short Term Cost - Exposure to secondhand smoke at work costs employers money for increased health services and increased time off. -
Passive Smoking Hits Workplace Health - Non-smokers' productivity suffers when their colleagues light up, say researchers. -
Passive Smoke Nearly Doubles Risk of Heart Attack - Based on a study of 32,000 nurses; nurses who were regularly exposed to secondhand smoke by their co-workers or home companions had a 91% higher risk of a heart attack or death; nurses with occasional exposure to secondhand smoke had a 58% greater risk. -
Multnomah County Smokefree workplace - Resources of use to any smokefree worksite, including health effects of workplace exposure to secondhand smoke, benefits to employers of going smokefree, and extensive findings of a task force investigating smokefree workplaces. -
Waitress Gets Lung Cancer from Secondhand Smoke - Heather Cross breathed in secondhand smoke as she worked for 40 years in an Ottowa restaurant; she now has advanced, inoperable lung cancer. -
Study into Secondhand Smoke - A new study reveals that non-smoking hospitality workers are breathing in increasing amounts of nicotine by-products. -,1227,37963-1-6,00.html
OSH Answers on Secondhand Smoke - General information and health effects, from Canada's national occupational health and safety resource. -
Secondhand Smoke Exposure - Emphasis is on measurements taken at workplaces: offices, bars, casinos, airlines, and so on. -
SmokeFree Educational Services, Inc. - "Together we can win smokefree workplace legislation, including smokefree offices, restaurants, bowling alleys, bars, and clubs." Facilitates letter writing between smokefree advocates and key decision makers. -