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  Anti-Tobacco (365)

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Featured Site ASH-UK - Action on Smoking and Health Open in a new browser windowLink Details
- Resources for advocates include tobacco history, factsheets, schools resources, presentation resources, discussion, policy analysis, and an extensive analysis of the tobacco industry based on industry internal memos.
- http://www.ash.org.uk/

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Regular Websites in this category

The Oxygen Project Open in a new windowLink Details
- Grassroots activism for smokefree campus environments.
- http://www.theoxygenproject.com

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Singer/songwriter Forms Coalition to Fight Tobacco Industry Open in a new windowLink Details
- Leslie Nuchow rejected a lucrative promotion offer when she learned it was from Philip Morris. Then she formed Virginia SLAM! a coalition of musicians, music industry professionals and community activists working against the tobacco industry's manipulati
- http://www.alternet.org/story/3519/

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National Clearinghouse on Tobacco and Health (NCTH) Open in a new windowLink Details
- Information and networking services for tobacco use prevention and reduction programs, projects, resources, and advocacy in Canada.
- http://www.cctc.ca

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Burning Brain Society Open in a new windowLink Details
- Burning Brain Society is a voluntary Civil Society Organization in India with a focus on tobacco policy and how this affects young people and their future.
- http://www.burningbrain.org

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Health Canada: Tobacco Open in a new windowLink Details
- Information from Health Canada on smoking and tobacco use. Reports, statistics, studies, news releases, and regulations.
- http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hl-vs/tobac-tabac/index_e.html

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Smoking and Islam Open in a new windowLink Details
- Asserts that Islam forbids smoking.
- http://www.islamawareness.net/Smoking/

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Filter Online Open in a new windowLink Details
- A tobacco advocacy newsletter for central and eastern European countries, published by the Hungarian Health Center.
- http://www.tobinfo.org/

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Timiskaming Tobacco-Free Coalition Open in a new windowLink Details
- Supports protection from secondhand smoke, tobacco prevention and reduction, in Timiskaming Canada.
- http://www.timiskaminghu.com/content.asp?navID=49&parentID=49&lang=en

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Tobacco in Developing Countries: Dream Scenario or Shrill Wake-Up Call? Open in a new windowLink Details
- A slide show countering some of the common myths related to tobacco and developing countries.
- http://web.idrc.ca/en/ev-12009-201-1-DO_TOPIC.html

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Advocacy Info: Tobacco Open in a new windowLink Details
- Information from the American College of Cheest Physicians on tobacco advocacy.
- http://www.chestnet.org/practice/gr/tobacco/index.php

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Alliance for Lung Cancer Advocacy, Support, and Education Open in a new windowLink Details
- Nonprofit organization dedicated to helping people with lung cancer improve their quality of life provides resources for smokefree advocates: legislative news and alerts, events, speakers, and calls for action.
- http://www.lungcanceralliance.org/involved/tobacco_background.html

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Policy Advocacy on Tobacco and Health (PATH) Open in a new windowLink Details
- Provides grants, technical assistance, research, and training for tobacco policy advocacy to community groups serving communities of color.
- http://www.thepraxisproject.org/path/

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Gayatri Pariwar Open in a new windowLink Details
- Jaipur, India based organization aims to motivate and inform people about tobacco.
- http://www.vatikashaktipeeth.com/tobacco/

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Dr. Judith Mackay Speaks About Tobacco and Globalization Open in a new windowLink Details
- A report from CorpWatch.
- http://corpwatch.org/article.php?id=3972

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Smokefree Advocacy Open in a new windowLink Details
- ANR and its members are involved in numerous clean indoor air campaigns around the nation. ANR action alerts give you an opportunity to take steps to protect your health and the health of your community.
- http://www.no-smoke.org/goingsmokefree.php

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FCTC Now! Open in a new windowLink Details
- Provides a way for invdividuals and groups to express their support for the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.
- http://www.fctcnow.org/

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Grand Unification Press Open in a new windowLink Details
- Sells a children's educational book entitled "Jimmie Boogie Learns About Smoking".
- http://www.grandupress.com

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AntiSmokingAds.org Open in a new windowLink Details
- Presents Dr. Connie Pechmann's smoking-related research.
- http://www.antismokingads.org/

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Tobacco and the European Union Open in a new windowLink Details
- ASH-UK factsheet presents information about smoking prevalence, tobacco-related deaths, and tobacco control policies.
- http://www.ash.org.uk/html/factsheets/html/fact20.html

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Tobacco Industry Activity in the Middle East Open in a new windowLink Details
- Report from the WHO Regional office for the Eastern Mediterranean Region documents tobacco industry front groups, lobbying, PR campaigns, spying on tobacco control organizations, and delaying or blocking anti-tobacco measures in the region.
- http://www.emro.who.int/TFI/VOICE%20OF%20TRUTH.pdf

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Tobacco Free Initiative Pakistan Open in a new windowLink Details
- Initiative sponsored by the Network for Consumer Protection in Pakistan to mount resistance to the tobacco industry, to educate about tobacco use, and to pressure the government to introduce controls on tobacco sale and promotion.
- http://www.emro.who.int/TFI/EMROleads-Pakistan.htm

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Tobacco Free Initiative Open in a new windowLink Details
- World Health Organization effort against use of tobacco.
- http://www.who.int/tobacco/en/

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Taking on Tobacco Imperialism Open in a new windowLink Details
- Interviews with advocates on industry activity in Canada, Hong Kong, Poland, and Thailand.
- http://multinationalmonitor.org/hyper/mm0797.06.html

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The Syrian Center For Tobacco Studies Open in a new windowLink Details
- Tobacco prevention and control information in Syria
- http://www.scts-sy.org/

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Health Promotion: Global Perspectives Open in a new windowLink Details
- Sep/Oct 200 issue of American Journal of Health Promotion devoted to tobacco control; includes perspectives from the UK, South Africa, Romania, Argentina, and globally.
- http://www.healthpromotionjournal.com/publications/global/2000-09/index.htm

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Globalization of Tobacco Industry Tactics as Exemplified in Switzerland Open in a new windowLink Details
- Abstract of paper; concludes "in order to be successful, anti-tobacco alliances need to recognize that tobacco control is ultimately a political battle fought in public, and not a scientific debate discussed in private"; gives examples from Swit
- http://apha.confex.com/apha/128am/techprogram/paper_8734.htm

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Feel Free to Say No Open in a new windowLink Details
- EU smokefree campaign provides materials in English, French, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Swedish, Finnish, Danish, German, Greek, and Castellano languages.
- http://www.feel-free.info/

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European Network for Smoking Prevention Open in a new windowLink Details
- Active in tobacco control in Europe.
- http://www.ensp.org/

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Consumer Voice: Tobacco Open in a new windowLink Details
- Consumer awareness magazine in India covers tobacco news, effects of tobacco use, spit tobacco, and tobacco advertising and promotional activities in India.
- http://www.consumer-voice.org/tobacco/tobacco1.htm

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Anti-Smoke Japan Open in a new windowLink Details
- English part of site examines cigarette advertising, tobacco industry influence, and smoking in Japan.
- http://www.anti-smoke-jp.com/keneneg.html

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Action on Smoking and Health - Canada Open in a new windowLink Details
- Western Canada's leading health organization devoted solely to tobacco control and prevention.
- http://www.ash.ca/

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Give Tobacco The Boot! Open in a new windowLink Details
- Aims to get tobacco out of rodeos; opposes deals made by the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association for tobacco sponsorship of rodeos.
- http://www.givetobaccotheboot.org

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StatesOnTheTake.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- Focuses on how tobacco settlement payments have created an incentive for states to help the tobacco industry.
- http://www.statesonthetake.com/

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Tough on Drugs -- Weak on Tobacco Open in a new windowLink Details
- Article in medical journal outlines how and why the government of Australia does little about tobacco, and government funding for tobacco control is small compared to government funding of other public health issues.
- http://www.mja.com.au/public/issues/172_12_190600/chapman/chapman.html

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ASTHO - Tobacco Prevention and Control Open in a new windowLink Details
- Programs of the U.S. Association of State and Territorial Health Officials to raise the visibility of tobacco prevention and control issues among state health officials and their senior staff.
- http://www.astho.org/?template=state_tobacco.html

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Michigan Smoke-Free Dining Act Petition Drive Open in a new windowLink Details
- Lets you support smokefree restaurants in the state of Michigan.
- http://www.smokefreediningpetition.com

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Taking Down the Marlboro Man Open in a new windowLink Details
- Extended news article covers Infact activism and its connection to the FTCC.
- http://www.boston.com/ae/media/articles/2003/12/23/taking_down_the_malboro_man/

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Fight With Fact Open in a new windowLink Details
- Wisconsin effort uses fact in the fight against Big Tobacco.
- http://www.fightwithfact.com/

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Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids Open in a new windowLink Details
- Working to expose Big Tobacco's lies, the Campaign reveals the truth about the deadly effects of smoking, tobacco's corporate public relations campaigns to convince the public that it is a reformed industry, and the advertising and marketing tactics tobac
- http://tobaccofreekids.org/

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Smokefree.net Open in a new windowLink Details
- A broad-based coalition fighting for smokefree workplaces.
- http://www.smokefree.net/

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Tarbox, Barb Open in a new windowLink Details
- Victim of smoking-related cancer. Led crusade across Canada to stop children from starting to smoke. Includes story, short commercials she recorded, transcripts of those commercials, and donation information.
- http://tobacco.aadac.com/media_campaigns/barb_tarbox/

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Tobacco Control Supersite Open in a new windowLink Details
- Addressing contemporary issues in international tobacco control with particular relevance to Australia.
- http://tobacco.health.usyd.edu.au/

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British Medical Journal - Shareholder Actions: Changing the Behavior of Tobacco Companies and Their Allies Open in a new windowLink Details
- The Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility has developed strategy for dealing with the tobacco industry and its allies by using their stock to challenge issues through shareholder resolutions.
- http://bmj.bmjjournals.com/cgi/content/full/321/7257/375

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Motherjones.com - See For Yourself: The Spiked PSA Open in a new windowLink Details
- A Quicktime video clip of an anti-smoking ad aired in California until it was pulled by the governor.
- http://www.motherjones.com/news/special_reports/1996/05/qt2.html

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Philip Morris Can't Hide Open in a new windowLink Details
- Presents video on Philip Morris's name change to Altria, and offers ideas for taking action.
- http://tfk.grassroots.com/pmch/

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Kids Before Profits Open in a new windowLink Details
- Lets you send a letter to your elected officials asking them to take action to protect kids from tobacco.
- http://tfk.grassroots.com/tfk_candidateEd/CandidateEd_Home_NEW/

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Don't Pardon Big Tobacco Open in a new windowLink Details
- Allows anyone concerned about the tobacco industry's practice of marketing to kids to send an instant fax to President Bush telling him not to weaken the US government's lawsuit against tobacco companies.
- http://tfk.grassroots.com/doj/

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Grim Reaper Society/Association des Faucheuses Open in a new windowLink Details
- An accounting of Tobacco-related deaths, highlighted by the figure of death: the Grim Reaper.
- http://www.grimreaper.org/

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Tobacco Free U Open in a new windowLink Details
- Works on college campuses to prevent starting, promote quitting, prevent exposure to secondhand smoke, and utlimately create tobacco-free campuses across the nation.
- http://www.tobaccofreeu.org/

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Advocating for Tobacco Policy Change Open in a new windowLink Details
- Pamphlet developed by the Praxis Project provides resources for smokefree advocates.
- http://www.thepraxisproject.org/tools/advocacy_how_to_tobacco.pdf

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Altria Means Tobacco Open in a new windowLink Details
- Site provides resources to help researchers, community activists, and the public develop counterstrategies to the Philip Morris name change to Altria.
- http://www.altriameanstobacco.com/

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NAAAPI: Tobacco Control Advocacy Open in a new windowLink Details
- The National Association of African Americans for Positive Imagery (NAAAPI) has worked since 1990 to reduce the effects that the tobacco industry has had on the African American community and communities of color.
- http://www.naaapi.org/tobacco/default.asp

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Essential Action: Taking on Tobacco Open in a new windowLink Details
- Background papers, analysis, and resources for smokefree advocacy including workshops, factsheets, letter writing campaigns, and pairing tobacco control groups in the US and Canda with groups in Asia, Africa, Latin America, Central and Eastern Europe, and
- http://www.essentialaction.org/tobacco/

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NYPIRG: Tobacco Open in a new windowLink Details
- Information on secondhand smoke, tobacco divestment, clean indoor air laws; downloadable book on Big Tobacco and what you can do.
- http://www.nypirg.org/health/tobacco/

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Philip Morris Info Sheet Open in a new windowLink Details
- From a Stanford University student organization responding to Philip Morris recruiting on campus.
- http://www.stanford.edu/group/SICD/PhilipMorris/pmorris.html

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Tobacco Survivors United Open in a new windowLink Details
- A network of survivors, families, and friends of men and women who have overcome the damanges of tobacco products; informs the public and advocates for a smokefree society.
- http://www.tobaccosurvivorsunited.org/

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Cigarette Litter Open in a new windowLink Details
- Organization dedicated to drastically reducing the amount of cigarette litter through educational campaigns.
- http://www.cigarettelitter.org/

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Countering Big Tobacco's Lies and PR -- Creatively Open in a new windowLink Details
- Collection of humorous, hard-hitting, innovative and inspiring counter-advertising examples and ideas from around the world.
- http://www.essentialaction.org/tobacco/qofm/0202a.html

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Promoting Clean Indoor Air Legislation Open in a new windowLink Details
- ASH publication.
- http://ash.org/papers/h201.htm

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Action In The War Against Big Tobacco Open in a new windowLink Details
- Letters, press releases, and correspondence advocating for a tobacco free society. Emphasis on what ordinary citizens can do.
- http://www.cleanlungs.com/action/index.html

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SIF Research: Tobacco's Changing Context Open in a new windowLink Details
- Explores the different approaches that shareholders can take in formulating a response to tobacco, such as divestment, modification of investments and shareholder resolutions. A sampling of institutions, including pension funds, universities, insurance co
- http://www.socialinvest.org/areas/research/tobacco/

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Louisiana Cancer and Lung Trust Fund Board Open in a new windowLink Details
- Committed to the prevention of addiction to tobacco.
- http://www.lcltfb.org/tobacco/default.html

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International Non Governmental Coalition Against Tobacco Open in a new windowLink Details
- News, resources, events, facts and figures, materials.
- http://www.ingcat.org/

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PIRG: Smokefree Environment Campaign Open in a new windowLink Details
- Public Interest Research Group, a consumer organization, finds that Big Tobacco does a lot that affects the public interest.
- http://www.pirg.org/consumer/tobacco/index.htm

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Robert Sklaroff's Tobacco Page Open in a new windowLink Details
- Robert Sklaroff, MD, writes about his decades-long effort to fight Big Tobacco.
- http://sklaroff.globalink.org/homepage-tobacco.html

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Alliance of Boulder County on Tobacco and Health Open in a new windowLink Details
- Citizens and organizations advocating policy decisions, educational and prevention efforts to address the problem of tobacco in their communities. Provides tobacco news, issues, analysis, advocacy; factsheets and policy papers.
- http://bcn.boulder.co.us/community/abct/

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Public Citizen: Tobacco Open in a new windowLink Details
- Amicus briefs, litigation summaries, testimony, comments, and articles by Public Citizen regarding tobacco regulation, litigation, and legislation.
- http://www.citizen.org/litigation/briefs/Tobacco/index.cfm

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Licensed to Kill, Inc. Open in a new windowLink Details
- Parody of cigarette industry marketing makes points about how the industry makes its money.
- http://www.licensedtokill.biz/

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Big Tobacco Sucks Open in a new windowLink Details
- Campaign against Transnational Tobacco mobilizes students to use the investment power of their universities to challenge the global tobacco industry's violation of human rights, public health, and the environment; site requires Flash.
- http://www.bigtobaccosucks.org/

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Smokinghurts.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- Information on smokefree restaurants, smokefree apartments and condos, coalitions, and research.
- http://www.smokinghurts.com/

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The Tobacco Scandal: Where is the Outrage? Open in a new windowLink Details
- Speech given by Dr. Koop in September 1998. Dr. Koop found the real scandal at the time was Big Tobacco's power in Congress. He gives his reasons for outrage at that scandal, in moving and vivid terms.
- http://tc.bmjjournals.com/cgi/content/full/7/4/393

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GLOBALink - The International Tobacco Control Network Open in a new windowLink Details
- A central place for all tobacco-control advocates. GLOBALink is a clearinghouse on tobacco: News bulletins, Discussion groups, List servers, free web-hosting, free listserver.
- http://www.globalink.org/globdemo/

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Jeffrey Wigand, Ph.D. Open in a new windowLink Details
- Tobacco whistleblower whose story is featured in the movie 'The Insider'
- http://www.jeffreywigand.com/

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Advocating for the Public's Health Open in a new windowLink Details
- Slide presentation on "using media advocacy to cut through tobacco's smoke and mirrors" was developed by the University of Connecticut, Department of Community Medicine and Health Care.
- http://www.commed.uchc.edu/healthservices/mediaadvoc/default.htm

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Wallgreens.Com Open in a new windowLink Details
- A Chicago teen fights to get Walgreens, the nation's largest pharmacy, to stop selling tobacco products.
- http://www.Wallgreens.com/

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Join the Joe Chemo Campaign! Open in a new windowLink Details
- Official site of Joe Chemo can provide the Joe Chemo costume for qualified groups and individuals to smoke up an antismoking event.
- http://www.joechemo.org/campaign.htm

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Nicotine Victims Open in a new windowLink Details
- Focus is on tobacco product addiction.
- http://www.nicotinevictims.com

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Tobacco To 21 Open in a new windowLink Details
- Ohio-based organization; advocates making 21 the minimum age to buy tobacco. Describes tobacco history; industry promotion; tobacco and health; addiction; costs of tobacco use; use by children; and public policy.
- http://www.tobacco21.org/

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Frontline: Interview with Stanton Glantz Open in a new windowLink Details
- Covers the Brown and Williamson papers, how they got to Glantz, what we've learned from them about the tobacco industry, how the industry tried to intimidate Glantz and UCSF to suppress them and why UCSF stood up to the industry where ABC and CBS did not.
- http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/smoke/interviews/glantz.html

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MASCOT: Multicultural Advocates for Social Change on Tobacco Open in a new windowLink Details
- Statistics, factsheets, and discussion on tobacco policy, smokefree workplaces, retailers selling to youth, industry quotes on nicotine and addiction, and medical costs due to smoking.
- http://www.mascotcoalition.org/

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San Francisco African American Tobacco Free Project Open in a new windowLink Details
- The San Francisco African American Tobacco Free Project fights the pervasive infuence of the tobacco industry in our community. "We used to pick it -- now they want us to smoke it!"
- http://www.polarisinc.com/tobacco/

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Tobacco Control Open in a new windowLink Details
- Research paper. Extensive and fully documented look at Arizona's Proposition 200. Concludes: "health advocates in Arizona successfully fought tobacco industry attempts to divert the health education funds and pass preemptive legislation. But the exe
- http://tc.bmjjournals.com/cgi/content/full/8/2/141

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American Lung Association Action Network Open in a new windowLink Details
- How to get involved to support clean, safe, air, and healthy lungs, with policy change, strong legislation, and advocacy.
- http://lungaction.org/

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Get Outraged Open in a new windowLink Details
- "Tobacco is the largest single cause of premature death in the developed world, responsible for about 30% of all deaths among persons 35 to 69 years of age." Dedicated to "exposing tobacco industry lies and deceit and helping ordinary cit
- http://www.getoutraged.com/

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