Looking for the Light: A Decade of Living with HIV
- A series of multimedia essays about the past decade of the AIDS crisis, with topics ranging from AIDS treatments to AIDS adoptions.
- http://www.journale.com/aidsdecade/
AVERT AIDS - Information about HIV infection, testing, prevention and treatment; plus pages about AIDS in specific countries, statistics, and personal stories. - http://www.avert.org/
HIV/AIDS Anti-Stigma Initiative - Serves as a source of information about HIV/AIDS stigma, with general information, links to resources, real stories, and downloadable materials/tools. - http://hivaidsstigma.org/
Health Global Access Project - Campaign to eliminate barriers to global access to affordable life-sustaining medicines for people living with HIV/AIDS. Organization and campaign details, news, press releases, resources. - http://www.healthgap.org/
Beating the Gay Stigma of AIDS - Article on the 2001 United Nations special session on HIV and AIDS. From the Gully; a queer activist e-zine. - http://www.thegully.com/essays/gaymundo/010628global_AIDS.html
HIV and AIDS images - Several educational posters from the mid-1980's until the present. Images of condoms, ribbons, pills, T-cells. Mostly UK images. - http://www.avert.org/postershist.htm
Global AIDS Crisis - Basic information and links about the AIDS epidemic, including reports on Asia and Africa. - http://www.worldvision.org/worldvision/wvususfo.nsf/stable/globalissues_aids
AIDSchannel.org - Global news, resources and information on AIDS as a social, human rights and sustainable development issue. - http://www.aidschannel.org
HIV InSite - Gateway to HIV/AIDS knowledge from the University of California, San Francisco. Comprehensive medical and societal news. - http://hivinsite.ucsf.edu
AIDS Action - Resources from AIDS Action, including information about federal and state appropriations, Medicaid, court cases, and housing. - http://www.aidsaction.org
AIDS-Related Stigma - Information about the problem of AIDS-related stigma, referring to prejudice, discounting, discrediting, and discrimination directed at people perceived to have AIDS or HIV. - http://psychology.ucdavis.edu/rainbow/html/aids.html
Releases - Features poetry and prose written by people with HIV. - http://www.industrialstreet.com/releases/
Older People and HIV/AIDS - Resources on HIV and the elderly, senior citizens, and older adults, from The Body. - http://www.thebody.com/whatis/older.html
HIV/AIDS and the Mentally Handicapped - Resources from The Body related to HIV positive mentally handicapped persons. - http://www.thebody.com/whatis/mentally.html
Hemophilia and HIV/AIDS - A collection of resources related to hemophiliacs and HIV, including topics such as the safety of the blood supply and tained blood products, from The Body. - http://www.thebody.com/whatis/hemophilia.html
PASCA (Proyecto Accion SIDA de Centroamerica) - A bilingual information resource page on HIV/AIDS by the Central American HIV/AIDS Prevention Project. Also in English. - http://www.pasca.org
AIDS Economics - Aims to help researchers and policymakers to define and implement effective AIDS policy. From the World Bank. - http://www.worldbank.org/aids-econ