Lonesome Doves - A Group of facilitated communication users in Pennsylvania who are actively promoting FC as a valid method of alternative and augmentive communication. This website is designed by them. - http://www.lonesomedoves.org
Facilitated Communication Institute - A current schedule of upcoming activities including research, public education, training and scholarly seminars at the Institute as well as the full text of conference keynote speeches by FC users. - http://suedweb.syr.edu/thefci/
Exploring Facilitated Communication - Article published in the September 1995 "The Rocky Mountain Skeptic" addressing the issue of FC being used as the basis for allegations of physical or sexual abuse by a parent or caretaker. - http://www.rationalmagic.com/RMS/rms-fc1.htm
Facilitated Communication: All Sides of the Issue - An essay on FC including its history, the controversy, validation studies and commentary from the Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance. - http://www.religioustolerance.org/fc_comm.htm