Centre For Alternative Technology
- Educational charity striving to achieve the best cooperation between the natural, technological and human worlds. Provides an avenue to test, live with, display strategies and tools for this purpose.
- http://www.cat.org.uk/
LOHAS - An acronym for Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability. Offers information about companies that provide goods and services using economic and environmentally sustainable business practices. - http://www.lohas.com/
Max Havelaar Foundation - Working for sustainable production, trade and consumption by supporting Fairtrade and offering access to international trade for Third World farmers and workers. [Dutch, English] - http://www.maxhavelaar.nl/
World Bamboo - Organization that aims to promote the use of bamboo as a sustainable and alternative natural resource. News and events, information about the World Bamboo Congress and the board of directors. - http://www.world-bamboo.org/
Oregon Solutions for a Sustainable Future - Oregon Solutions promotes environmentally and socially responsible policies and programs in government, non-profits and private business in the State of Oregon. - http://www.sustainableoregon.net/
International Institute for Sustainable Development - Canadian think tank promoting SD in decision-making internationally. "We contribute new knowledge and concepts, analyze policies, identify and disseminate information about best practices, demonstrate how to measure progress, and build partnerships - http://www.iisd.org/
CASL: Community Adaptation and Sustainable Livelihoods - Provides information about IISD that developed and applied an approach which brought community-identified adaptive strategies, analysis of policy, and technologies to start a process of helping communities build sustainable livelihood systems. - http://www.iisd.org/casl/
Indicators for Sustainable Development - Provides indicators and analysis to the sustainable development of countries in the world. - http://www.sustainable-development.gov.uk/performance/performance.htm
Novartis Foundation for Sustainable Development - An organisation to improve economic conditions, health, and food security among the world's poorest people. - http://www.novartisfoundation.com/
Resource Renewal Institute - Developing innovative solutions for long-term conservation and a sustainable future through various projects. - http://www.rri.org/
SHARE Foundation - Building a New El Salvador Today - A non-profit institution supporting the empowerment of impoverished and marginalized Salvadoran communities for long-term and sustainable solutions to poverty, underdevelopment and social injustice - http://www.share-elsalvador.org
LandPaths - Land Partners through Stewardship - LandPaths forms partnerships between landowners and experts in land management and restoration then assists them in defining and implementing practices which maximize resource conservation, while allowing managed public access. - http://www.landpaths.org/
Journey to Forever - Account of an expedition by a small, mobile non-government organization involved in environment and rural development work; started in Hong Kong and travelling to Cape Town, South Africa. Includes information on projects, and educational activities. - http://journeytoforever.org/
Rollins Environmental Health and Action Committee - Dedicated to creating a working space for a just and sustainable existence and a harmonious relationship with nature. Activities, mission, meeting minutes, and contact information. - http://www.sph.emory.edu/student/rehac/index.htm
Center for Development Research - An international and interdisciplinary research institution dealing with political, cultural, economic, technical and ecological questions in view of a worldwide, sustainable, and just development. - http://www.zef.de
Ecovillage Network - Links together a highly diverse worldwide movement of autonomous ecovillages (environmentally and socially sustainable settlements) and related projects. - http://www.ecovillage.org/
Palni Hills Conservation Council - Promoting sustainable development and conservation of the Palani Hills and forests. - http://www.palnihills.org/
Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies (BCAS) - An independent, non-profit, non-government, policy, research, and implementation institute working on sustainable development (SD) at local, national, regional and global levels. - http://www.bcas.net/
Center for a Livable Future - Focuses on the interconnections among diet, health, food production, the environment, population and equity. Based at Johns Hopkins University. - http://www.jhsph.edu/Environment/
United Nations Division for Sustainable Development - Created to monitor and report on implementation of the Earth Summit agreements at the local, national, regional and international levels. The CSD is a functional commission of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) - http://www.un.org/esa/sustdev/csd/csd12/csd12.htm
World Bank Sustainable Development - Explains that reducing poverty through sustainable development is a global strategic priority for the survival of our planet. Aims and strategy, projects and news. - http://lnweb18.worldbank.org/ESSD/sdvext.nsf/43ByDocName/SustainableDevelopment
PanEco - A Swiss foundation that supports projects on biodiversity and sustainability in Indonesia. It also works on social projects and intercultural acceptance. - http://www.paneco.ch/
Schumacher UK - Promotes human scale and sustainable systems for social, economic and environmental development. - http://www.schumacher.org.uk/
Sustainable Business Network - Daily news headlines about social and environmental events, links to educational, government, tools and resources, and discussions on environmental topics. - http://www.sustainable.org.nz/
Center for Sustainable Systems - Institute at the University of Michigan promoting sustainable development through education. Includes research on buildings, agriculture, transportation, renewable energy, and packaging, as well as methodologies, projects, publications, statistics, and ed - http://css.snre.umich.edu/
Redefining Progress - A non-profit public policy organization that seeks to ensure a more sustainable and socially equitable world. Conceives and refines innovative policies and ideas that balance economic well-being, the environment, and social equity. - http://www.rprogress.org
Nuestras Raices, Inc. - A grassroots organization that promotes economic, human and community development in Holyoke, Massachusetts through projects relating to food and agriculture. - http://www.nuestras-raices.org
Ilin Value Added Forestry Management Services Foundation - Provides a reforestation solution in the Philippines utilizing sustainable development through cooperatives that compromise a cottage industry approach to forestry on private land. - http://www.ivafms.com
International Center for Sustainable Development - ICSD is a non-profit organization dedicated to promote sustainable development such as renewable energy around the world. - http://www.solarcities.org
DISC: Development Information Solutions for Communities - Integrates ICT into organisations undertaking community development in Southern Africa providing data management within the development and research sector. - http://www.disc.org.za
BagelHole.Org - BagelHole is a web-based organization that supports low-tech self-sustainable development. - http://www.bagelhole.org
The Mountain Institute - Promotes the preservation of mountain environments, advancing mountain cultures This NGO works in the Appalachian, Andean and Himalayan Mountains and designs programmes to strengthen mountain communities, to conserve their natural resources and cultural h - http://www.mountain.org
Sustainable Development Network - The Sustainable Development Network is a network of individuals and non-governmental organizations that promotes the debate on issues pertaining sustainable development including environmental and trade policy, economic policy, health, and legal framework - http://www.sdnetwork.net
Pedals for Progress - Promotes a non-profit agency that collects thousands of used bicycles from the public through partnerships with local community service organizations, and donates them overseas for reconditioning and distribution for affordable transport. - http://www.p4p.org
Centre for Sustainable and Environmental Management - Promotes sustainable development and sustainable management in all types of organisation through education, research and consultancy. - http://www.csem.org.uk/
Non-Ferrous Metals Consultative Forum on Sustainable Development - Information about the contribution non-ferrous metals make to sustainable development and the activities of the members of the three international metal study groups. - http://www.nfmsd.org
The Delta Institute - A nonprofit organization that works on the policy and practice of sustainable development and environmental stewardship in the Great Lakes region. - http://www.delta-institute.org
Communities Committee of the Seventh American Forest Congress - The Communities Committee works to improve both forest health, community well-being and promotes a collaborative framework towards forest policy to encourage stewardship, sustainability and community forestry. - http://www.communitiescommittee.org
Colne Valley Regional Park - The Colne Valley Regional Park provides the first area of countryside to the west of London. This webpage contains sites of national and international importance for wildlife. - http://www.colnevalleypark.org.uk/
The Cyprus Conservation Foundation - The Cyprus Conservation Foundation raises awareness through science education and with a variety of campaigns. - http://www.conservation.org.cy
ApproTEC - ApproTEC is a non-profit organization that develops and markets new appropriate technologies in Africa to kick-start economic growth. - http://www.approtec.org
Aquadev - An NGO active in Africa in field agricultural development, food security and aid, microfinance institutions services, environment in urban areas and clean development mechanisms study projects. - http://www.aquadev.org
Appropriate Roads Group - Group dedicated to the overturning of a decision to build a dual carriageway between Cahir and Clonmel. - http://www.theapplefarm.com/n24.htm
Mountain Forum - A global network for mountain communities, environments and sustainable development. Also includes a searchable library of documents on mountain themes and issues. - http://www.mtnforum.org/
Zero Growth - Provides information on the movement for the zero population growth for humans. Growth absurdity of the week, recommended readings, a discussion of the idea, and available buttons and stickers. - http://www.zerogrowth.org/
The Trust For Sustainable Livelihoods - Information on sustainable livelihoods and natural resources management in the Caribbean. - http://www.sustrust.org
Sustainable Business Associates - International non-governmental organization working to engage industrialists in eco-efficiency to minimize environmental impact and improve business productivity. News, case studies, training, projects, and contacts. - http://www.planet.ch/sba/
Sustainable Seattle - Protects and improves the long-term health and vitality for Seattle and the world by applying sustainability to the links between economic prosperity, environmental vitality and social equity. - http://www.sustainableseattle.org
Sustainable Building Topics - Info, resources and articles for developers, architects, and home buyers to promote sustainable development. - http://dnr.metrokc.gov/topics/sustainable-building/index.htm
UVic Sustainability Project - This project seeks to make UVic a sustainable campus. It addresses all aspects of sustainability pertaining to the university including things like waste and energy reduction and green transportation. They also touch on issues such as investment practices - http://uvsp.uvic.ca
San Francisco Beautiful - Creates, enhances and protects the city's unique beauty and liveability. It provides grants and beautification awards and participates in the urban planning process. - http://www.sfbeautiful.org
Volunteers Alliance for Saving the Nature - ARuPA, an Indonesian NGO, fights to revise inappropriate national forestry, resource management paradigms and policies. - http://www.arupa.or.id
Foundation for Self-Sufficiency in Central America - Foundation that helps poor communities in El Salvador achieve environmentally friendly economic self-sufficiency, community development, and sustainable peace. - http://www.fssca.net
Global Vision International (GVI) - A non-political, non-religious organisation, which specialises in providing overseas expeditions. - http://www.gvi.co.uk
ONE Nature - An NGO promoting sustainable technologies taking note that there are several brilliant technologies lying unutilized owing to a lack of awareness and possible vested interests. - http://www.onenature.com
Maine Tree Foundation - Founded in 1989 to provide Maine people with good, accurate information about the forest resource. - http://www.mainetreefoundation.org
The Piedmont Environmental Council - Promotes and protects the Virginia Piedmont's rural economy, natural resources, history and beauty. - http://www.pecva.org
Heifer Project International Indonesia Program - NGO working with local organizations in agroecological rural community development in Sumatra, Indonesia. - http://www.heiferindonesia.org
Project People Foundation - Non-profit group promoting economic empowerment of women and youth in South Africa and U.S. through the production and marketing of hand-crafted black dolls, stuffed animals, AIDS pins, and beaded yarmulkes. - http://www.projectpeoplefoundation.org
ACCION - International non-profit microlending organization that fights poverty by providing microcredit and supporting economic and sustainable development. - http://www.accion.org
CBNRM Net - Provides a powerful set of networking tools for local communities and other stakeholders globally, aimed at integrated knowledge management of the field of Community-Based Natural Resource Management. - http://www.cbnrm.net
Center for Alternative Development Initiatives - A Philippine-based civil society organization (CSO) dedicated to the study, encouragement and implementation of comprehensive sustainable development through social threefolding, including tri-sector partnerships. - http://www.cadi.ph
Sustainable Conservation - Organization engages businesses and private landowners in advancing the stewardship of our land and water in partnership with the environmental community. - http://www.suscon.org/
PennFuture.com - An organization of citizens committed to a vision of the future that places the conservation of our natural resources at the center of a vibrant economy. - http://www.pennfuture.org
Pembina Institute for Appropriate Development - A not-for-profit environmental policy research and education organization dealing with sustainable energy, climate change, environmental governance, ecological fiscal reform, sustainability indicators, and the environmental impacts of the energy industry. - http://www.pembina.org/
Ecotrust - Aims to build Salmon Nation, a place where people and wild salmon thrive in the coastal temperate rain forests of North America. - http://www.ecotrust.org/
Development Organisation for Rural Sichuan - A British NGO working in Sichuan, China implementing village-based poverty alleviation projects promoting community education, women's rural credit schemes, water and electricity supply. - http://www.dors.org.uk
Centre for Development and Environment - A division of the Institute of Geography of the University of Berne and is involved in worldwide networks with institutions and specialists. - http://www.cde.unibe.ch/
Green Plan Center - Earth friendly, and renewable development. "Innovative regional strategies for environmental recovery and preservation, matched with economic prosperity." - http://www.greenplans.com/
Central Asia Institute - Organized to promote literacy, women's vocational skills, and awareness of public health and environmental issues through community-initiated education programs in mountain regions of Central Asia. - http://www.ikat.org
Rocky Mountain Institute - An entrepreneurial, non-profit organisation that fosters the efficient and restorative use of resources to create a more secure, prosperous, and life-sustaining world. - http://www.rmi.org
Forum for the Future - UK sustainable development organisation which works in partnership with business, higher education, central, regional and local government to accelerate a sustainable way of life, using a solutions based approach. - http://www.forumforthefuture.org.uk
Falls Brook Centre - A sustainable community development and training centre working to demonstrate and communicate those aspects of human endeavors that must combine to make the abstract concept of sustainable development into the living reality of sustainable communities. - http://www.fallsbrookcentre.ca
Alliance for Sustainability - A non-profit group supporting ecologically sound, economically viable, and humane projects on a personal, organizational and planetary level. - http://www.mtn.org/iasa/
International Environmental Bamboo Organization - The organization has a multidisciplinary approach to developing bamboo as an environmentally renewable non-wood forest. - http://bamboocentral.org
The Natural Step - A UK non-profit organisation working to build an ecologically and economically sustainable society. - http://www.naturalstep.org.uk/
Nimbkar Agricultural Research Institute (NARI) - Non profit R&D organization involved in the areas of agriculture, renewable energy and sustainable development. - http://nariphaltan.virtualave.net
Target Earth - Christian-based organization dedicated to environmental sustainable development and relief. - http://www.targetearth.org
Consortium for Sustainable Village-Based Development - Consortium of NGOs and individuals that help connect rural villages to global resources for self-reliant, sustainable village-based development. - http://villageearth.org
European Union for Coastal Conservation - Dedicated to the integrity and natural diversity of the coastal heritage and to ecologically sustainable development. - http://www.eucc.nl
Participatory Avenues - Promotes the diffusion of Participatory 3D Modeling (P3DM) as best practice in providing communities added stake in tailoring and owning integrated conservation and development initiatives. - http://www.iapad.org/
Groundwork Institute - Non-profit organization working world wide in creating low cost, environmentally sound communities based on the participation of the people who live in them. - http://www.groundwork.org/
Smart Growth America - Nationwide coalition promoting a better way to grow; one that protects farmland and open space, revitalizes neighborhoods, keeps housing affordable, and makes communities more livable. - http://www.smartgrowthamerica.com/
Sustainable Development International - The resource for strategies, technologies and business links, enabling implementation of sustainable development working towards Earth Summit 2002. - http://www.sustdev.org
Stockholm Environment Institute - An independent, international research, consulting and training organisation working to promote global sustainable development. - http://www.sei.se/
GENI - Global Energy Network Institute - By tapping the planet's abundant renewable energy, the needs of all humanity could be met in an environmentally sustainable fashion. The technology exists today, and it is cost competitive. - http://www.geni.org/
Thoreau Center for Sustainability - The Center is comprised of various non-profit organizations working on sustainable development issues. - http://www.thoreau.org/
World Conservation Monitoring Centre - Provides information services on conservation and sustainable use of the world's living resources, and helps others to develop information systems of their own. - http://www.unep-wcmc.org/
Center for Neighborhood Technology - Promotes public policies, new resources and accountable authority that support sustainable, just and vital urban communities. - http://www.cnt.org/
Sustainable Development Department, IDB - Provides multilateral financial assistance for Latin America and the Caribbean. The Sustainable Department provides technical advice to Bank project teams, and creates and disseminates knowledge on sustainable development issues. - http://www.iadb.org/sds
Development Alternatives - Bringing together traditional knowledge and modern science for sustainable development at community, national and global level. - http://www.devalt.org/