End of Economic Growth, The - A Preservation Institute Policy Study By Charles Siegel. - http://www.preservenet.com/endgrowth/EndGrowth.html
Alliance for a Paving Moratorium - Group strives to halt the environmental and economic damage caused by endless road building. APM assists road fighters worldwide and pulishes Auto-Free Times magazine. - http://www.culturechange.org/about_sei.htm
Keck Graduate Institute - Opposed to the KGI at Claremont Colleges, California. Provides information on the opposition to the educational institutions programs. - http://www.keckgrad.com/
The Primitivist Critique of Civilization - Asks what person who has grown up with cars, electricity, and television would relish the idea of living without a house, and of surviving only on wild foods. - http://www.eco-action.org/dt/critique.html
Watchperson Project Home Page - Project determined to block construction of another generating plant in a disadvantaged neighborhood. Has maps and background on the situation. - http://www.walrus.com/~terminus/wp/