Duluth Audubon Society - Events, newsletters, conservation priorities, and society links. - http://www.mepartnership.org/sites/AUDUBONDULUTH/
National Eagle Center Eagle Watch - Bald Eagle conservation and observation center in Wabasha. - http://www.nationaleaglecenter.org/
Saint Paul Audubon Society - Bird programs, birding field trips, and newsletter. - http://www.saintpaulaudubon.net/
Wild River Audubon Society - Calendar of activities for chapter based in Chisago County. - http://www.wildriveraudubon.org/
Minnesota River Valley Audubon Chapter - Meets in Bloomington. Programs, field trips, newsletters, and chapter information. - http://home.comcast.net/~mrvac/
Minnesota Audubon - Events, programs, and newsletter. - http://www.audubon.org/chapter/mn/mn/
Audubon Center of the North Woods - A 535 acre sanctuary near Sandstone, on the shores of Grindstone Lake. Educational programs, newsletter, and photographs. - http://www.audubon-center.com/
Zumbro Valley Audubon Society - Serves Olmsted and surrounding counties in southeastern Minnesota. Programs and field trips. - http://www.zumbrovalleyaudubon.org/