Owashtanong Islands Audubon Society - Serves the Greater Grand Haven area with stewardship of two island wildlife sanctuaries in the Grand River and support for environmental education. Newsletters, Michigan birding hotspots, bird count results, chapter news, Kirtland's Warbler locations and - http://www.oias.org
Grand Traverse Audubon - Serves Traverse City area. Bird counts, conservation news, photos, newsletter. - http://www.grandtraverseaudubon.org/
Genesee Audubon Society - Serves greater Flint, Genesee, Shiawassee, and Tuscola counties. - http://home.comcast.net/~anaber3/
Audubon Society of Kalamazoo - Chapter events and projects, rare bird alert, and local birding locations. - http://www.kalamazooaudubon.org/
Washtenaw Audubon Society - Serves the Ann Arbor area. Meetings, field trips, and bird count results. - http://www.washtenawaudubon.org/
Thunder Bay Audubon Society - Newsletter, count results, and northern Michigan birding. - http://www.northbirding.com/Thunderbay/
Michigan Audubon Society - Michigan's oldest conservation organization. Works to study and preserve wild birds, plants, animals, and their habitats. - http://www.michiganaudubon.org/
Oakland Audubon Society - Serves the Oakland County area, including Pontiac and Detroit's northern suburbs. Meetings, field trips, birding hotspots, and bird count results. - http://www.oaklandaudubon.org/