Tri-Valley CAREs - Communities Against a Radioactive Environment. Citizens group opposed to the environmental pollution and wasteful spending of nuclear weapons labs in Livermore, CA and Sandia, NM. -
Kent Against a Radioactive Environment - Grass roots anti nuclear group campaigning for the closure of all nuclear reactors, a ban on the transport of nuclear waste worldwide and the safe disposal of nuclear waste. Provides history, photos and links. -
Nuclear Free Philippines Coalition - Conducts anti-nuclear education drives and spearheads mobilizations against nuclear issues nationwide. Provides news, information and resources. -
Citizens Action Coalition of Indiana (CAC) - Nuclear Issues including waste policy and transportation. Also other energy and environment issues. -
Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety - Provide news and information on the issues posed by radioactivity and the nuclear industry, particularly connected with Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) and Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) in New Mexico. -
ACRO - NGO measuring radioactivity and editing a quaterly review in French. (Association pour le Contrôle de la Radioactivité de l'Ouest.) -
Environmentalists For Nuclear Energy - EFN provides information to the public on energy and the environment. Promoting the benefits of nuclear energy for a cleaner world. -
Nukewatch - Wisconsin environmental peace group, dedicated to non-violent action to abolish nuclear power and weapons. Nukewatch focuses attention on locations, movements, dangers, and politics of nuclear weapons and radioactive wastes. -
Low Level Radiation Campaign - Researching the effects of low level ionising radiation demanding a re-evaluation of the risks of man-made fission products. -
Nuclear Watch of New Mexico - A New Mexico activist organization that deals with nuclear issues especially as it pertains to DOE nuclear weapons complex. Some areas of concern contain: Los Alamos, WIPP, and non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. -
People's Initiative for Ecological Protection - German group originally focused on proposed radioactive waste disposal at Gorleben, now more broadly concerned with nuclear applications in general. Deutsch, English. -
Greenaction Ward Valley Campaign - Support the efforts led by the Indian Nations of the lower Colorado River area to defeat the radioactive waste dump proposed for Ward Valley, California. -
Global Deactivation of Radiation - GDR provide information and resources focused on ways to deactivate radiation on a global scale. -
Citizens Awareness Network (CAN) - Concerned with environmental pollution and health issues surrounding exposure to toxins. Goals are to enable citizens to reclaim democratic control over their environment and to develop strategies for the prevention and elimination of pollution. Address i -
Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS) - Information and networking center for citizens and environmental organizations concerned about nuclear power, radioactive waste, radiation, and sustainable energy issues. -
Military Toxics Project - Provide resources in the struggle to clean up military pollution, safe-guard the transportation of hazardous materials, and to advance preventative solutions to the toxic and radioactive pollution caused by military activities. -
Critical Mass Energy Project - Founded in 1974 by Ralph Nader, Public Citizen's Critical Mass Energy Project has been a powerful voice in watchdogging nuclear safety issues, stopping the reckless disposal of radioactive waste, and ensuring that environmental and consumer interests are -
Green World - Information on environmental and social problems of the Baltic Region. Protection of the Baltic Sea marine ecosystem and the nature reserves of the Gulf of Finland. Risks from Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant in Sosnovy Bor. with four RMBK-1000 Chernobyl-typ -
Nuclear-Free Future Award - Based in Munich, the Nuclear-Free Future Award gives out three money prizes annually to aid those people or organizations working to make the world's future nuclear-free. -
World Information Service on Energy - Provide international news and resources focusing on environmental and safety issues in the nuclear industry. -
Shundahai Network - "Peace and Harmony with All Creation." Anti-nuclear organization bridging the environmental, peace and justice, and indigenous land rights communities, with media, community organizing, and nonviolent direct action. -
Alliance for Nuclear Accountability - U.S. national network of organizations working to address issues of nuclear weapons production and waste cleanup -