Oceana - Campaigns to protect and restore the worlds oceans. - http://www.oceana.org
North Sea Foundation - Dutch environmental NGO that stands up for the entire North Sea. - http://www.noordzee.nl
Green Cross International - To help ensure a just, sustainable and secure future for all by fostering a value shift and cultivating a new sense of global interdependence and shared responsibility in humanity's relationship with nature - http://www.greencrossinternational.net
The Deep Sea Conservation Coalition - A global coalition of conservation organisations calling on the United Nations General Assembly to secure a moratorium on high seas bottom trawling and to protect these fragile and unique pockets of life in the deep seas. - http://www.savethehighseas.org
IISD Reporting Services - A non profit repository providing multimedia informational resources for environment and sustainable use policy makers. - http://www.iisd.ca/
IUCN Species Survival Commission - A large network of conservation experts brought together to work against the species extinction crisis. - http://www.iucn.org/themes/ssc/
World Sturgeon Conservation Society (WSCS) - An international forum for scientific discussion about the protection of the species and habitat. Includes news, details of conferences and publications, discussion board, global data bank, and links to related sites. - http://www.wscs.info/
Save Our Seas Foundation - Promotes awareness, protection, preservation and conservation of the global marine environment. - http://www.saveourseas.com
WildCRU Wildlife Conservation Research Unit - Oxford University group develops practical solutions to conservation problems through research, implementation, education and local public involvement. Includes support and donation details. - http://www.wildcru.org/
Environmental Commons - Aims to provide information, analysis, and educational materials for the public, and to support democratic involvement in the preservation and recovery of biological resources. Includes sections on biodiversity, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and - http://www.environmentalcommons.org
Alliance for Zero Extinction - Initiative led by a group of biodiversity conservation organizations to identify and protect the last remaining habitats for the world's most endangered species. - http://www.zeroextinction.org/
Earth Preservation Fund - Supports international community-based projects focused on environmental conservation, cultural preservation, and public health through a partnership with ecotourism. - http://www.earthpreservation.org/
Environmental Investigation Agency - The EIA is an independent, international campaigning organisation committed to investigating and exposing environmental crime. - http://www.eia-international.org/
The Nature Conservancy - USA based global organization working to protect endangered species and ecosystems through land acquisition and research. - http://nature.org/
Center for Ecosystem Survival - An USA based NGO raising funds for international conservation projects aimed at preservation of biological diversity. - http://www.savenature.org
A Rocha - Conservation organization with Christian religious orientation. - http://www.arocha.org/