Guardian Unlimited - "Euthanasia ship to set sail for UK" - An article about Nitschke's plans to purchase a Dutch boat, moor it off the coast of the United Kingdom, and hasten deaths on board. -,8363,509003,00.html
Activist Targeted In Effort To Curb Internet Promotion Of Suicide - An article about the Australian government's plans to try to limit suicide by targeting sites that discuss it, and Nitschke. -
CNS News - "Activist Wonders, Why Limit Suicide Option To The Terminally-Ill?" - An article about Nitschke's support of - and other right to die advocates' opposition to - the concept of suicide for healthy, elderly patients. -
Philip Nitschke: Valiant Campaigner - Information about Nitschke's run for Parliament, from the newsletter of the South Australian Voluntary Euthanasia Society (SAVES), which supports end-of-life choice. -
Compassionate Healthcare Network: Philip Nitschke - Two articles about Nitschke, presented by the Compassionate Healthcare Network, a Canadian organization which opposes end-of-life choice. -