Electronic Policy Network - School Vouchers - Analyses, from several sources, of the U.S. debate over school vouchers (scroll down to the vouchers section of the page). - http://www.movingideas.org/content/en/report_content/education.htm
'Choice' Comes With a Blindfold in Florida - People for the American Way critique of the state's voucher and tuition tax credit programs. - http://www.pfaw.org/pfaw/general/default.aspx?oid=12108
Voucher Veneer: The Deeper Agenda to Privatize Public Education - People For the American Way report concludes that a network of religious right groups, free-market economists, and others are using vouchers as a vehicle to achieve their ultimate goal of privatizing education. - http://www.pfaw.org/pfaw/general/default.aspx?oid=11371
People For the American Way: Private School Vouchers - Articles and essays arguing that vouchers and tuition tax credits divert resources and money from public schools, disproportionately benefit wealthier households, and have not been demonstrated to improve students' performance. - http://www.pfaw.org/pfaw/general/default.aspx?oid=2470
Rethinking Schools -- Special Section on Vouchers - Large collection of articles and opinion pieces expressing or supporting the view that voucher programs are an assault on public education, are less effective than claimed, and will undermine the separation of church and state. - http://www.rethinkingschools.org/special_reports/voucher_report/index.shtml
Moral and Normative Aspects of School Choice - Resource page containing abstracts from a conference held at Boston College in Spring 2001 plus other links. - http://www.bc.edu/bc_org/research/rapl/issues/schoolchoice/index.html
School Vouchers: The Wrong Choice for Public Education - Anti-Defamation League says vouchers pose a threat to their values. These programs subvert the constitutional principle of separation of church and state and threaten to undermine the current system of public education. - http://www.adl.org/vouchers/vouchers_main.html