How to Recognize Bogus Diploma Mill Schools - Offers advice to military personnel on recognizing the providers of fake degrees. - - Diploma Mills - Gives information on how diploma mills operate. Includes a list of the ways that consumers and employers are victimized. -
Avoid Fake-Degree Burns By Researching Academic Credentials - US Federal Trade Commission advice on identifying legitimate schools and assessing a job applicant's claimed academic credentials. -
Associated Press: Online University that Gave Cat Diploma Sued for Fraud - An online university that supposedly granted a graduate degree in business to a pet cat was sued Monday for consumer fraud by the Pennsylvania Attorney General's Office. -
General Delivery University - This is a parody site which shows how easy it is to set up a diploma mill. Includes course catalog and the ability to download a diploma. -
Diploma Mills: Fraud in Higher Education - Gives information on the history and operating methods of diploma mills. It also defines terms and offers related links. -
Position Paper on Diploma Mills - The National Council Against Health Fraud provides this summary of diploma mills and why they are bad for the nutrition industry. -
Ivory Tower Ripoffs - Information about Diploma Mills - Provides information about the history of diploma mills, what to look out for, as well as links to additional information. - - Diploma Mills Insert Degree of Fraud into Job Market - Article which examines the problems caused by diploma mills. It also shows how hard it is to combat the bogus degree providers. -
Wired News: Down by the Diploma Mills Stream - Anyone can purchase a bachelor's or master's degree for the bargain price of several thousand dollars. -,1383,54596,00.html
Diploma Mills - Information on diploma mills from the Oregon Office of Degree Authorization. Includes a list of institutions which are known to be diploma mills. -