Twisted Tongues: The Failure of Bilingual Education - Article by Rosalie Pedalino Porter of the READ Institute arguing that bilingual education represents a radically departure from treatment of earlier generations of immigrant children and a form of segregation. -
The Pros of Bilingual Education - Commentary by Domenico Maceri, The Denver Business Journal. -
U.S. Bilingual Education Funds Ruled Out for Ebonics Speakers - Washington Post article about the Clinton administration's declaration of "black English" as a form of slang, and therefore programs which teach otherwise cannot do so with federal money intended for bilingual education. - - Bilingual Education Troubled Program - Massachusetts has over 40,000 bilingual education students, and is one of only nine states in the US to require bilingual education in all districts where there is a sufficient number of students who are not proficient in English. -
Loco, Completamente Loco - Reason magazine: The many failures of bilingual education. -
Hoover Essay- Bilingual Education: A Critique - The evolution of the bilingual education debate from its origin in the Civil Rights Act (1964) and the Bilingual Education Act (1968). -
Opinions Vary on Studies That Back Bilingual Classes - Los Angeles Times. As the debate over bilingual education bounds toward a spring ballot initiative, two studies scheduled to be released today land on the side of teaching children in their native language first, then gradually switching to English. Howe -
Hundreds Wait for Bilingual Education - Los Angeles Times - Hundreds of students whose parents have petitioned for bilingual education in the Los Angeles school system are in limbo while principals try to arrange bilingual classes. -
Brisk stresses bilingual education for Americans - Daily Free Press. When Maria E. Brisk came to America as a graduate student, she was lucky enough to be fluent in English as well as her native Spanish. But the Boston University professor realizes not every child has been awarded such a chance. Brisk sai -
IDRA Newsletter: Bilingual Education - A number of articles about the issue from the Intercultural Development Research Association. -
The Case Against Biligual Education - Atlantic Monthly: Why even Latino parents are rejecting bilingual education. -
The Bilingual Debate Index Page - Now that Proposition 227 has been approved, how should it be implemented? -
Debunking the Myths of the Unz Initiative - English is still being taught to immigrants but not in the manner and pace that nativists would like. The opponents of Bilingual Education feel that a child, regardless of age, must be placed in an intensive English-only learning environment, without rega -