Institute on Community Integration - Committed to preventing and reducing the limiting effects of disabilities, ICI applies its resources to improve the quality and community orientation of professional services and social supports available to individuals with disabilities and their familie -
President's Committee for People With Intellectual Disabilities - Acts in an advisory capacity to the President and the Secretary of The Department of Health and Human Services on matters relating to programs and services for persons with intellectual disabilities. - - One-stop online access to resources, services, and information available throughout the Federal government. -
Disability, Culture and Service Issues - Selected bibliography of sources related to serving people with disabilities and disability culture. -
But You Don't Look Sick? - A collection of articles, stories, book and product reviews, with health resources and a message board. -
Mothers from Hell 2 - Grass-roots parent advocacy group, working for the appropriate education, community acceptance, needed services, rights of, and entitlements for individuals with disabilities. Resources, newsletter, membership, and contacts. Based in German Valley. -
Whispers of Hope - A center to discuss issues, to find resources, and to empower people with disabilities. -
Stigma and Discrimination - Petition opposing NAMI approval of the Lunatix Online game which stereotypes people with mental illness and perpetuates stigma and discrimination. -
Thalidomide Victims Association of Canada - An organization representing approximately 125 Canadians born disabled as a consequence of the drug Thalidomide. Site has position paper on the proposal to begin using the drug again. -
Disability is Natural - Kathie Snow's official website. Offers a new way of thinking (and talking) about disabled people, learning disabilities and physical and mental handicaps. -
Almanac of Policy Issues: Disability Issues - News, background information and links on disability issues, including the Americans with Disabilies Act (ADA) and Developmental Disabilities Act (DDA). -
The Trigger, the Pen and the Switch - Article on the killing of a woman thinking of moving her mother to a care facility. -
The Media Edge - How to write opinion articles that editors will actually use. -