Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust - Aims to educate the public about whales and dolphins, includes information on research, education, and conservation. - http://www.whaledolphintrust.co.uk/
US Citizens Against Whaling - Provides information about the illegal whaling of gray whales. - http://www.usagainstwhaling.org
Tursiops.org - Site providing cetacean related news and forums. - http://tursiops.org/
Whale Rescue Team - Dedicated to the rescue and protection of marine mammals. Includes information on projects and campaigns. California, USA. - http://www.whalerescueteam.org/
Gemini Properties: Save the Whales - Take action now to save the whales and dolphins from the Naval use of Low Frequency Active Sonar. Includes information on how to help, petition and links. - http://geminiproperties.com/ecology.htm
Irish Whale and Dolphin Group - Dedicated to the conservation, research and better understanding of whales. Includes cetacean news, sightings, stranding news, events, and research. - http://www.iwdg.ie/
Greenpeace Whales Campaign - Information about whale species, whaling, environmental threats, sanctuaries, and whale watching plus efforts to end commercial whaling. - http://whales.greenpeace.org/
NYTimes.com - Angry Japan Lashes Out After Defeat on Whaling - During a five-day meeting of the International Whaling Commission, the Japanese delegation did not get its way and retaliated by working to deny Arctic natives in Alaska and Russia their traditional whale-hunting quotas. [Requires free NYTimes.com regist - http://www.nytimes.com/2002/05/26/international/asia/26WHAL.html
NRDC- Whales and Marine Animals - Includes information on the threats to whales, and on various NRDC-led campaigns to protect them and their natural habitats. - http://www.nrdc.org/wildlife/marine/default.asp
OrcaLab - Its purpose is long-term study of the orcas which inhabit this area, and evaluation of human impacts on them. - http://www.orcalab.org/
Cape May Whale Watch & Research Center - Monitors the types of species that come to the area and studies their feeding, migration and breeding habits. - http://capemaywhalewatch.com/
Conservation and Development in the Gray Whale Lagoons - Report identifies activities that could have a negative impact on two gray whale habitats, Laguna San Ignacio and Bahia Magdalena. - http://scilib.ucsd.edu/sio/guide/z-serge.html
Silver Bank Whale Sanctuary - Provides information on permits, applying for permits, whale watching regulations, whale watching and links for Marine Mammal Sanctuary Silver Banks. - http://www.silverbank.de
North Gulf Oceanic Society - A non-profit organization that specializes in marine mammal research and conservation, and education in Alaska. - http://www.whalesalaska.org
Center for Whale Research - Founded to promote, conduct, and support benign research on cetaceans. - http://www.rockisland.com/~orcasurv/
Center for Biological Diversity - Killer Whale - Offers information on the petition filed to list Puget Sound killer whales as an endangered species. - http://www.biologicaldiversity.org/swcbd/species/orca/index.html#
Alaska Whales - Provides information on research and general information about humpback whales, gray whales, killer whales, northern right whales, bowhead whales, and minke whales. - http://www.fakr.noaa.gov/protectedresources/whales/
Whales Alive - A non-profit organization dedicated to the protection and celebration of whales, includes how you can help, conservation issues, photographs, and whale watching information. - http://www.whalesalive.org.au/
Texas Marine Mammal Stranding Network - Dedicated to understanding and conserving marine mammals. Provides information on research, education, mammal rescue, rehabilitation, and release. - http://www.tmmsn.org/
Save The Whales - Includes action alerts, Makah updates, research, adopt a whale, captivity, and marine mammal inventory. - http://www.savethewhales.org/
Orrca - Includes whale rescue and research in Australia. - http://orrca.org.au/
Marine Mammal Stranding Center - Teaches what to do when you find a stranded whale, as well as information on strandings. - http://www.mmsc.org/
Cetacean Research and Rescue Unit - Dedicated to the understanding, welfare, and protection of cetaceans. Includes rescue network, educational work, research activities, and how you can help. - http://www.crru.org.uk/
Center for Coastal Studies - Educating in the coastal and marine environments, humpback whales, right whales, cape cod, and Stellwagen Bank, includes whale rescue, and research. - http://www.coastalstudies.org/
Blue Voice - Working to save dolphin and whale species and offers the latest up-to-date news on whales, and dolphins. - http://www.bluevoice.org/
Yaqu Pachu Project: Humpback Whales - Provides information on the conservation of South American Aquatic Mammals, organization news and project information on work to protect whales from pollution, fisherman, and disease. Available in German, Spanish, and English. - http://www.yaqupacha.de/enbuckel.htm
Whales Online - Provides information, news, and highlights of research work on the conservation of whales, dolphins and porpoises in the Southern Hemisphere. - http://www.whales-online.org/
Safe Passing - Includes a detailed mission to stop the Makah whale hunt and other whale saving missions. - http://www.safepassing.org
Whale Center Of New England - Includes information on humpback whales, adopt a whale, photos, research, education, conservation, right whales, and other endangered cetacean species. - http://www.whalecenter.org/
The Dolphin Institute - Dedicated to dolphins and whales through education, research, and conservation, includes scientific papers, research, and testimonials. - http://www.dolphin-institute.org/
Protect Whales from Captivity and Hunting - Non-profit societies dedicated to save whales and marine animals from captivity and hunting. - http://www.whaleprotection.org/
Airlines refuse to carry Norway's whale exports - Greenpeace secures international blockade of blubber trade as Oslo prepares to resume hunting endangered species in defiance of ban. - http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,3604,519234,00.html
Center for Whale Research: Orcas - Provides information on research, videos, sounds, and field logistics. - http://www.whaleresearch.com/
Marine Mammal Research and Education - Seeking new heights in marine mammal research, education, and conservation by informing the public of upwelling, and membership. - http://www.pacificcetaceangroup.org/
The Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society - Provides information about how you can help whales, projects and campaigns, publications, sightings and strandings, species guide, and whale watching. - http://www.wdcs.org/
FundaciĆ³n Cethus - A non-government, non-profit organization, with objectives fixed on investigation, divulgation and conservation of cetaceans. Site is available in both English and Spanish. - http://www.cethus.org/
The Marine Connection - Includes rescues, latest news, campaigns, special events, adoption, education, and information. - http://www.marineconnection.org
International Marine Mammal Project - Works to make oceans safe for marine mammals worldwide by including take-action alerts, campaigns, and membership. - http://www.earthisland.org/immp/
Center for Oceanic Research and Education - An organization dedicated to the study and conservation of cetaceans in their marine habitat includes research trips, adoption, membership, links, and photos. - http://www.coreresearch.org/
The Whaleman Foundation - Provides information on how to help stop the gray whale hunt, Japanese whaling, and deadly sonar. - http://www.whaleman.org
Welcome to Wild Whales - Is a resource web site for the cetaceans. It focuses on humpback and killer whale research, as well as conservation and habitat stewardship. - http://www.wildwhales.org
World Whale Police - Mission is to educate the public about the necessity for marine mammal protection and to raise public awareness of safety through lectures, includes information on stopping the whale hunt. - http://www.worldwhalepolice.org
Ocean Alliance - Dedicated to the conservation of whales and their ocean environment, includes useful information on whales and research. - http://www.oceanalliance.org/
American Cetacean Society - The oldest whale conservation group in the world devoted to education in the field of cetacean research and includes whale adventures, fact sheets, newsletters, journals, and adoption programs. - http://www.acsonline.org/