Festivals and Holidays in Mexico - Features holidays such as the Day of the Dead, Cinco de Mayo and Dia de la Candelaria. Includes articles, photos, and list of monthly events. - http://gomexico.about.com/od/festivalsholidays/Festivals_and_Holidays.htm
The Holiday Page - History and Customs - Explains the customs and history of most holidays. Features games, graphics, music, and poetry. - http://wilstar.net/holidays/
Old Fashioned Holidays - Year-round holiday recipes, crafts, traditions and entertaining features that emphasize old-fashioned family get-togethers and traditions. - http://oldfashionedliving.com/holidays/main.html
Gramma Lowe's Home - Holiday fun ideas and crafts for kids and older. Also miscellaneous crafts projects, and monthly calendar of U.S. national food days, and recipes relating to each. - http://pie.midco.net/grammalowe/
Holiday-Central.net - Facts about some common North American holidays, Chinese New Year, Daylight Savings Time, and Autumnal Equinox. - http://www.holiday-central.net/
Donna's Holiday Sentiments - Includes animated stories, poems, online interactive games, visuals and free internet greeting cards. - http://www.donnasholidaysentiments.com/
Holidays and Celebrations - Holiday fun and information, party planning, recipes, holiday graphics, seasonal poems and quotes. - http://www.spritzels.com/
School of the Seasons - Calendar of holidays for each month of the year, plus seasonal articles written by Waverly Fitzgerald, ideas for celebrating including rituals, crafts and recipes. - http://www.schooloftheseasons.com/
eHow Holidays & Celebrations - Holidays and events by category. - http://www.ehow.com/center/center.jsp?centerID=15
Holidays at Twilight Bridge - Features sections for main holidays, e-cards, recipes, desktop themes, wallpapers, and screensavers. - http://www.twilightbridge.com/hobbies/festivals/general/index.htm
Holidays At Home - Weekly articles about different holidays or topic pertaining to holidays. Covers topics such as planning, decorations, invitations, and working on a budget. - http://www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/holidays_at_home
Kats Holiday Pages - Holidays of many kinds. Send as E-cards and greetings - http://www.minibite.com/holidays.htm
Holidays - Secular, religious, fixed and mobile holidays. Many links and images. comprehensive references. - http://www5.50megs.com/maryuri/Holidays/holidays.htm
Celebrations Around the World - Provides holiday activities, recipes, games, and links relevant to celebrations in Australia, England, Germany, Malaysia, Sweden and USA. From ThinkQuest. - http://library.thinkquest.org/10007/
Writergirls Holidays - Come spend your holidays with Writergirl. Valentine's Day, Easter, Halloween, 4th of July, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. - http://writergirlscorner.com/holidays/index.html
Web Holidays - Popular, cultural, and religious holidays with history, recipes, crafts, games, and stories. Includes lesser known celebrations like Lammas, Boxing Day, and Ramadan. - http://www.web-holidays.com/
Candlegrove - Traces the ancient origins of celebrations and traditions for Summer solstice, yule and Sacae or Saturnalia (Winter solstice). - http://www.candlegrove.com/
Holidays.com - An overview of American holidays and free online greetings. - http://www.holidays.com/
Marvelicious Holiday Page - From Memorial Day to Valentines, most holidays have a page here. - http://www.marvelicious.com/holiday.html
Holiday Insights - Insight into all the holidays, big and small, and around the world. Facts, information, fun, games, Ecards, clipart, and links. - http://holidayinsights.com
Holidays on the Net - Includes music, graphics, historical information, suggested activities, kids pages, links, and other features for most holidays. - http://www.holidays.net/
Sheryl's Holidays Site - Directory of sites for the major western holidays. - http://www.sherylfranklin.com/holidays/