Haunted House Association - Established to assist and advance the haunted house industry through communication, education, and information. - http://www.hauntedhouseassociation.org/
Howling Wind Productions, Inc. - Specializes in haunted house design and production, filming, costumes and props. Includes photos and movies. Located in Michigan. - http://www.howlingwind.net/
Oak Island Entertainment and Productions - Featuring haunted house attractions, scare products, and special effects for parks and zoos. - http://www.oakislandinc.com
Dark Attraction Productions - Full service haunted attraction/haunted house design and construction. Based in Hesperia, California. - http://www.darkattraction.com/
Midnight Productions - Specializes in design, production, and operation of dark attractions. Operates three large portable haunted houses. - http://www.midnightproduction.com/
Haunted Productions Online - Creators of the Dungeon Haunted House. - http://www.hauntedproductions.com/
Halloween Productions Inc. - Operates haunted attractions throughout the United States. Also markets related equipment and materials. - http://www.halloweenproductions.com/