Dia de la Raza - Offers historical facts and cultural information about this Latin American observance. - http://gosouthamerica.about.com/cs/southamerica/a/CulDiaRaza.htm
Columbus Day Activities and Games - Offers a variety of resources for the classroom teacher, including stories, poems, a skit, coloring pages, and craft ideas. - http://www.apples4theteacher.com/holidays/columbus-day/index.html
Columbus Day - An overview of the holiday and the traditions that surround it. From the U.S. Department of State. - http://usinfo.state.gov/scv/life_and_culture/holidays/columbus_day.html
Indigenous Peoples Day - Describes the an event replacing Columbus Day in some parts of the United States and explains the rationale behind it. - http://www.red-coral.net/Pow.html
Celebrating Columbus Day at The Holiday Zone - Include history, printable worksheets and coloring pages, arts and crafts, poems, interactive puzzles, discussion topics, and language activities. - http://theholidayzone.com/columbus/
Día de la Raza - Día de la Raza, a celebration of the modern Latin American and the contradictions of the Columbus celebration. - http://www.lasculturas.com/aa/aa100800a.php
Lesson Plan - Columbus Day - Lesson plan designed for use in the fourth or fifth grade classroom examines the Columbus Day holiday from a Native American perspective. From the College of Education at Utah State University. - http://teacherlink.ed.usu.edu/tlresources/units/Byrnes-celebrations/columbus.html
Columbus Day from Rumela.com - Provides the history, traditions, and facts of this holiday. Offers short biography of Christopher Columbus. - http://www.rumela.com/events/events_october_columbus.htm
Columbus and Other Great Explorers - Provides a short history of the man and the holiday which bears his name. Also includes information on other famous journeys and explorations. From Infoplease.com - http://www.infoplease.com/spot/columbusday1.html
Columbus Day-Holiday Insights - Information about Columbus Day with links to ecards, games, and fun. - http://holidayinsights.com/other/columbus.htm
Today in History: October 12 - History and images related to Columbus Day. From the Library of Congress. - http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/today/oct12.html
John's Word Search Puzzles: Columbus Day - Printable word search includes terms related to Columbus's life. - http://www.thepotters.com/puzzles/kids/columbus.html
Columbus Day (United States) - Brief description relates the holiday's origin, tells how it is celebrated in the U.S., and lists other countries that observe it. - http://www3.kumc.edu/diversity/other/columbus.html