History of the World Timeline - (500BCE-2000) From the History Channel: select a century or decade to generate a timeline with links to other items or enter text to search the site. - http://www.historychannel.com/timeline/
I Wanna Get That - Trivia from 1940-1979: from music to history, what things cost to Broadway hits. - http://www.iwannagetthat.com
Timelines of History - Universal history site with individual country timelines, also Today in History and various subjects timelines. - http://timelines.ws/
Timeline Index - Links to web sites cross-indexed by People, Events, Periods and Places in a chronological context. - http://www.timelineindex.com
The Modern History Project - A user-edited database of timelines for significant persons, organizations and events. Graphical display with cross-reference, searching, and links to other sources. - http://www.modernhistoryproject.org/
Piero Scaruffi's World History - Timelines for many countries, some empires, as well as religion and culture. - http://www.scaruffi.com/politics/history.html
Keeping In Touch With the Past and Future - World history timeline spanning the dawn of time to the 16th century, with images and links. - http://www.b17.com/family/lwp/frameset/frameset_chronology.html
Graham's World Timeline - Graham Drake's history of the World to 1717. - http://www.drakesvision.com/timeline.html
AlternaTime - A collection of timeline links on the web for history, science, arts, literature, popular cultures, science fiction. - http://www2.canisius.edu/~emeryg/time.html
WebChron - A web chronology project sponsored by North Park University featuring regional timelines spanning from 12,000 BC to present day. - http://campus.northpark.edu/history/WebChron/
Millennium Timeline - Timeline of the second millennium as seen from Greenwich, England. - http://heritage.greenwich2000.com/history/time-line/index.htm
Timelines.Info - Graphical timelines covering the range of World history. - http://www.timelines.info
Din Timelines - A large, ordered timeline of world history from ca. 5000 BC, to the 1920s. - http://din-timelines.com/
HistoryMole: History Through Timelines - A searchable database of historical world events and themed articles from the last two thousand years. - http://www.historymole.com/
World History - A timeline of history from the formation of the Earth to the present. From Infoplease. - http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0001196.html
WhoWhatWhen - An online database of people and events that shaped history. Create graphic timelines of periods in history and of the lives of individuals. - http://www.sbrowning.com/whowhatwhen
World History Timeline - Explore timeline of 2,000 years of world history on five continents. New section for "On this day." From Camelot International. - http://www.camelotintl.com/world/