WW Norton: Inventing America - Streaming video of a symposium featuring Maier and her three coauthors of the textbook: Merritt Roe Smith, Alexander Keyssar, and Daniel J. Kevles. - http://www.wwnorton.com/college/titles/history/inv/
Booknotes: Pauline Maier - Transcript and streaming video of the August 17, 1997 interview with Maier about her book "American Scripture: Making the Declaration of Independence." - http://www.booknotes.org/Program/?ProgramID=1375
New York Times: Reversal of Fortune - Maier's November 16, 1997 review of Ketchum's book on Saratoga. - http://www.nytimes.com/books/97/11/16/reviews/971116.16maiert.html