The Lindheim Witch Trials - The story, victims, and movie of the trials of 1664. -
The Malleus Maleficarum - Unabridged online republication of the 1928 edition. Introduction to the 1948 edition is also included. Translation, notes, and two introductions by Montague Summers. -
The Witching Hours - A starting-point for research into the European witch trials of the medieval through enlightenment periods. -
Greywing's Witch Hunt Research - Links and research into European and English witch hunts. Also links for grieving parents. -
Witches in the Bible and in the Talmud - Essay examining reports of witches in the Jewish Bible, in the context of the role of women and in relation to the subsequent history of witch hunts in Christian Europe in the Middle Ages. -
Helping 'Witches' Who Live in Exile - Christian Science Monitor article about the situation of widows in Ghana who are branded as witches and forced to live in isolation. -
Witch Hunts (A.D. 1400-1800) - Articles and essays about Europeans' heightened concern with the phenomenon of witchcraft during the early modern era, including materials about specific witch-hunt episodes in Europe and America. -
Groton In The Witchcraft Times - Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society Boston, 1883, 1-29, 3rd series. -
The Witchcraft Bibliography Project - Collect and disseminate bibliographical information about books and articles in many languages about witchcraft in early modern Europe. -
The Burning Times Myth - Article about the myth about "the burning times" by Arlea Æðelwyrd Hunt-Anschütz. Published in the Spring 1999 issue of Connections Journal. -
Witchcraft, Magic and Witch Trials in Finland - A historical archive of witchhunt and witchcraft in Finland, based on studies by Ph.D. Antero Heikkinen, lawyer and historically oriented lawyer and criminologist Timo Kervinen, and Ph.D Marko Nenonen. -
Witchcraft & Magic History - The history of witchcraft and magic is usually concerned with the era of the witch-trials, a period that officially ended in Britain with the passing of the Witchcraft Act of 1736. -
Gendercide Watch: European Witch-Hunts - A case study of the european witch hunts, c. 1450-1750 and witch hunts today. -
The Witch Hunts - An archive of texts and documents. -
Witch Hunts - A collection of articles and some links. -