Plate Tectonics: The Rock History of an Idea - Explains the early observation of the similar coastlines and undersea continental shelves and how this led to the development of theory of an ancient single land mass. Discusses early contributors to the field like Alfred Wegener. -
Wegener, Alfred - A pioneer in plate tectonics, who used reason and scientific method to prove a theory that Africa and South America was once one continent. Page includes information about aeronautical research, facing the critics and final acceptance of this visionary's -
Alfred Lothar Wegener: Moving continents - Endeavored to prove by scientific methods that Africa and South America were once joined. Includes biography and information about the final trip to Greenland. -
Alfred Wegener - Brief biography and description of work from the University of California Museum of Paleontology. -
On the Shoulders of Giants: Alfred Wegener - Profile of Wegener, his theory of continental drift, and the derision that it once inspired. -