Modern History - A Soviet Viewpoint - The complete text of the book Modern History: Textbook for the Ninth Form by A. V. Efimov, published by Prosveshcheniye, 1965 that tells a very different story than presented in American textbooks. -
Towards a Strategy of Peace - An address by President Kennedy at The American University, Washington, D.C., June 10, 1963. -
Summit Statements - Speeches made by Nikita Khrushchev and Dwight Eisenhower on May 16 1960. -
The Lesson of Cuba - Delivered by President Kennedy before the American Society of Newspaper Editors at Washington, D.C., April 20, 1961. -
The U-2 Incident 1960 - Papers relating to the shooting down of an unarmed American civilian aircraft over the Soviet Union. -
The Truman Doctrine, 1947 - The President's address before a joint session of Congress. -
Reply to Churchill - Joseph Stalin's response to Winston Churchill in an interview with Pravda. -
The Iron Curtain - Part of the Great Speeches collection made by Winston Churchill. -
Atlantic Charter - A brief information article stating the major points agreed upon. -
The Truman Doctrine - Documents, a lesson plan, and reference to an oral history. -
Cryptome - Documents concerning government and intelligence activities, from Cold-War era to the present time. -
Intelligence Resource Program - U-2 Documents - In May 1960, an American U-2 spy plane was shot down over the Soviet Union and its pilot captured. This site provides American and Soviet telegrams, memorandums, and other documents related to the U-2 Incident. Includes background notes. -
State Department Documents: Kennedy-Khrushchev Exchanges, 1961-1963 - Department of State transcriptions of all the Kennedy and Khrushchev correspondence of the Kennedy administration, including the missile crisis period. -
The Avalon Project at Yale Law School : The Cold War - Includes transcripts of important and landmarking documents that "legalized" major events of the Cold War. Part of the Avalon Project at Yale. -