Groundbreaking Scientific Experiments, Inventions and Discoveries of the 17Th Century - An online book that explores the major scientific and mathematical milestones of this era, and examines them from their scientific and sociological perspectives Michael Windelspecht by subscription, 2002. -
Parish of Rowner near Portsmouth Southern England - Wills, muster lists and parish register together with more general information including coinage, wages, prices and artillery. -
Bubonic Plague - Scans of the Newes July 6, 1665 containing instructions for the containment and disinfection of the plague. -
Jean-Baptiste Colbert - Memorandum on Trade - A belief that material prosperity would raise the yield of taxes but that this prosperity would grow only with a managed economy. -
Jean Domat - On Social Order and Absolute Monarchy - The setting of French law and social structure into the wider context of the law of nature and the law of God. -
Miguel de Cervantes - Don Quixote - Excerpt that satirizes the chivalric traditions of the Middle Ages as absurdly old-fashioned. -
Social Conditions in 17th Century France - From Report of the Estates of Normandy (1651) and Letters of the Abbess of Port-Royal. -
The Great Fire of London - Scans of The London Gazette, September 10, 1666, containing a detailed eyewitness account of the fire. -
England, India, and The East Indies - An attempt to dislodge the Dutch in 1617. -
African Americans at Jamestown - Timeline of the legislation which carried into law the evolution of American slavery with bibliography. -