Sipapu--The Anasazi Emergence into the Cyber World
- Prehistory, interactive reconstructions of Anasazi architecture, online research papers, and searchable databases on Anasazi sites and bibliographic references.
Anasazi Heritage Center - Operated by the BLM, displays artifacts and records from research on public lands in the Four Corners area. -
Anasazi and Kokopelli - The legend of Kokopelli and some links to Anasazi websites. -
Hovenweep National Monument - The official web site for this major ruin on the Utah/Colorado border. History, pictures, publications, and a special page for kids. -
Mesa Verde National Park - The most famous Hisatsinom ruin, the great cliff dwellings of Mesa Verde tower over the Four Corners. History, pictures, and a page for kids. -
Drought Debunked - Social strife may have caused the collapse of the Anasazi empire. Reprint of a New York Times article from 1996. -
Chaco Canyon: Land of Ancient Strangers - Travelogue of a visit to Chaco Canyon, with information about the Anasazi and the ruins. -
Anasazi Prehistoric Desert People - History from 100BC to 1600AD with links to Anasazi archeological sites. -
Archaeology in Mesa Verde County - Brief information about Mesa Verde National Park and the Anasazi from a Colorado tourism agency. -
Map of Anasazi Territory - Map of Four Corners area, also of surrounding states, showing rivers, valleys, and Indian sites. Can be printed out at notebook size. -
Anasazi 1100-1400 AD - Photos of Chaco Canyon, Anasazi foods and petroglyphs prepared for use in a college course. About 25 images. Also some pre-Anasazi desert archaeology and some slides about the Sinaguans. -