History of European Integration and Citizenship - Short guides to events in EU integration and the developments of the concept of EU citizenship. - http://www.historiasiglo20.org/europe/index.htm
European NAvigator (ENA) : Plotting the course of a united Europe - Provides a variety of multimedia documents about the history and institutions of a united Europe: includes photos, facsimiles, cartoons, sound and film clips, interviews, interactive maps and diagrams. (Requires Flash) - http://www.ena.lu/
European Parliament UK Office - History of the EU - Short overview, with links to other resources, plus a guide to the division of institutions between the three cities of Brussels, Luxembourg and Strasbourg. - http://www.europarl.org.uk/EU/EUhistoryprincip.htm
BBC News - Milestones of Europe - Archive of important events in the history of the EU, including audio and video footage. - http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/static/in_depth/europe/2001/inside_europe/milestones/
The European Prospect - Essential selections from documents and testimonies on the history, culture and future of the European Union. - http://www.epopteia.net/notebook/europeanunion.htm