Representations in Member States - A directory of EU Commission representatives by country. -
Cyprus - Which has the task of monitoring political and economic developments in Cyprus and informing the Commission in Brussels. Includes official statements on the accession process. -
Poland - Warsaw - European Commission Representation in Poland, with an explanation of European Commission relations, programs and agreements with Poland. -
Czech Republic - Includese information on CZ-EU relations, enlargement and pre-accession funding issues, calendar, and general questions and answers. -
Finland - Describes the interaction between the European Commission and Finland and outlines the activities and responsibilities of the Representative. Includes information on the Commission in general and contact details. -
Ireland - Describes the interaction between the European Commission and Ireland and outlines the activities and responsibilities of the Representative. Includes information on the Commission in general, the EU and contact details. -
United Kingdom - Describes the interaction between the European Commission and The United Kingdom and outlines the activities and responsibilities of the Representative. Includes information on the Commission in general, related activities and contact details. -