United Kingdom Intelligence Agencies - Profile of British intelligence agencies, including structure and areas of operation and lines of accountability. - http://www.fas.org/irp/world/uk/
The Literature of Intelligence - A searchable archive of materials covering such aspects of intelligence such as histories, collection and analysis, covert action, US and foreign agencies, signals intelligence, counterintelligence, terrorism, oversight and links to related web sites. - http://intellit.muskingum.edu
Numbers Stations - Audio recordings from shortwave radio. - http://home.freeuk.com/spook007
Jane's Intelligence Review - International journal for threat analysis providing insights into the motives and momentum behind the world's trouble spots. - http://jir.janes.com
Association of Former Intelligence Officers - AFIO provides a venue for applying independent, seasoned professional expertise and perspectives to historic, current, and future national, corporate and public security issues. - http://www.afio.com
Preparing for the 21st Century: an Appraisal of U.S. Intelligence - A 1996 report on restructuring American military and civilian intelligence. Covers agencies, analysis, funding, potential threats, oversight, policies, budgets, and intelligence gathering systems. - http://www.access.gpo.gov/int/report.html
Africa Intelligence - Disseminates information and news on African politics and economics. Includes biographies of African leaders and links to news in specific countries. - http://www.africaintelligence.com
Virtual World of Intelligence - Links to spy agencies, military intelligence, and counterintelligence. - http://www.virtualfreesites.com/covert.html
Jane's IntelWeb - Monitors developments in terrorist and intelligence activity worldwide. Site is fee-based, but does provide limited free services. - http://intelweb.janes.com/
Infowar Guide - Intelligence - Information, docuements, articles, readings, and links related to intelligence and national security. - http://www.uta.fi/~ptmakul/infowar/iw5.html
Intelligence Resource Program - The American intelligence community was shaped by nearly half a century of Cold War with the Soviet Union. With the end of the Cold War the community faces extraordinary challenges. This site is a comprehensive resource on the past and future of the Amer - http://WWW.fas.org/irp
Security - Policies and publications on security standards in the Canadian government. - http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/pubs_pol/gospubs/TBM_12A/siglist_e.html
Cryptome - Documents on cryptology, dual-use technologies, and national security and intelligence. Includes archives. - http://cryptome.org/
Strategic Intelligence Homepage - Contains an extensive library of documents and links related to strategic and military intelligence for the use of researchers, students, and other interested readers. - http://www.loyola.edu/dept/politics/intel.html
The National Security Archive at George Washington University - Provides access to government documents declassified under the Freedom of Information Act(FOIA)in the form of electronic briefing books. The text of the FOIA itself is also available, as well as guidelines for requesting documents from the Government. - http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/
Intelligence Online - The electronic edition of Intelligence Newsletter on the Internet designed to "appeal to diplomats, military and political officials, the heads of company security services or academics interested in intelligence matters, business intelligence and in - http://www.intelligenceonline.com/