Weber - Family trees for various related lines, including surnames Clark, Davis, Dawson, Jacobson, Judd, Kear, Weber, and Williams. Also offers link to DNA project site, pedigree pages, and contact information. -
Whitwam - Focusing on the lineages of Colne Valley, complied by Steve Whitman. Includes the surnames Holroyd, Taylor, Singleton, Berry, Bottomley and Livesey. Main villages are Golcar, Longwood, Scamonden, Slaithwaite, Lintwaite, Lingards and Marsden. -
Wiser - Family history as compiled by Gerald Wiser. Researches the surnames Wiser, Hunter, Whitaker, Townsend, Crosslin, Burks, Thomas, Duncan, Robinson and Owen from TN, KY, and NC, USA and includes photographs, event information, cemetery information and messa -
Welch Family - Family lineage comiled by Toni Welch. Includes surnames Anastasio, Arnette, Cappelli, Dempster, Difillippi, Fischetti, Gallow, Glenn, Laabs, Mordente, Peterson, Smith, Trotta, Verrone, and Wallace. -