Stockment Family (SFGS) - Aims to research and preserve the history of the Stockment name, with a view to publishing a book. Other names under investigation include Hanna, Phelps, Dickman, Hayes, Brown, Fisher, Selbach, Bollier, Detwiller, Iswing and Syrus. -
Stengs - Available in Dutch and English; includes the variants Steng, Stenger, Stenges, Stenks, Stenx, Stegs, Steijns, Steengs, Stengss, Sengs, Senghs, Stenghs, Steings, Steinghs, Stings and Tings. -
Schram: We Really Dig - Family history and general interests of Elinor Schram. Surnames include Antes, Barnhart, Cripe, Deeter, Eller, Goodin, Gripe, Holt, Kinports, Kuns, Miller, Rench, Rentch, Schnebly and Smith. -
Shelton - Ancestral heritage of Leonard Aaron Shelton. Includes biographies for Wardle, Morton, Harris, Gragg, Martin, Gibson, Cunningham, Marshall, Allen, Rushston, Johnson, Thompson, Gregg, Hair, Kinsey and Fausett. -
Sharman - Family history of Martin Sharman including lineages from East Anglia, England and related lines from Drome or Isere, France. Surnames include Avenier, Blyth, Donne, Foster, Girdlestone, Johnson, Kemble, Monckton, Plantagenet and Sayer. -
Shankle - Family history of Bert Arnold Shankle including surnames Arnold, Boone, Cowling, Delaney, Edwards, Ferguson, Gray, Hoffman, Kerscher, Laggiere, McCain, Norville, Partridge, Reddinger, Schatzman, Tauscher Vaughn and Waybright. -