Mower Family History Association ![Open in a new window](/images/NewWin.gif) ![Link Details](/images/LinkDetails.gif) - Researching the name and its variants such as Maurer, Mowry and Mowery. Includes associated lineages of Brill, Grisso, Geissinger, Diehl, Amick, Hall, Turtle, Blackham, Kolb, Cockerham and East. -![Lock this listing - So it can't be removed](/images/but_lock_regular.gif) ![Lock this listing - and upgrade it to Featured](/images/but_lockupgrade.gif)
McNelis ![Open in a new window](/images/NewWin.gif) ![Link Details](/images/LinkDetails.gif) - Documenting the name and its application worldwide. Includes the variants McNellis, McNealus, McNeilis, McNeelis, McNail, McNaylis, McNealie, McNeilly, McNealis, McNeil, McNeilis, McNelus, McNeillage and McNelos. -![Lock this listing - So it can't be removed](/images/but_lock_regular.gif) ![Lock this listing - and upgrade it to Featured](/images/but_lockupgrade.gif)