Ontario Genealogy Services - Professional research in Ontario records, specializing in Archives of Ontario. - http://www.ontariogenealogyservices.com
Upper Canada Genealogy - Ancestral historian Janice Nickerson MA; member of the APG (Chair of the Ontario Chapter); and an active member of he Toronto Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society. - http://www.uppercanadagenealogy.com/
Timelines Genealogical Research - Specializing in tracing family trees and searching for lost ancestors for a variety of business and private clients worldwide. Founded by Sharon Murphy, a member of the Ontario Genealogical Society. - http://www.timelinesresearch.com/
JR Solutions - Ancestral investigation and publication; web design; demographic analysis; social science; and software assistance. Based in Calgary, AB. - http://www.jrsolutions.net/
JG Genealogical Research - Canadian based ancestral consultants specializing in no find/no fee investigations for the UK, USA and CAN. - http://www.jggenealogical.com/
Your Ancestry, Your Roots - Lucie Sauvela, member of the Society Franco-Ontarienne d'Histoire et de Gealogie (SFOHG). Tracing ancestors of French Canadian descent; fee payable only if search proves fruitful. - http://www.hawk.igs.net/~sauvela/
Davies Genealogy - Beth Davies, AG accredited by the International Commission for the Accreditation of Professional Genealogist (ICAPGEN) for research in the French regions. Specializing in Quebec as well as the USA. - http://www.daviesgenealogy.com/